After I left the Wellness Center this morning, I saw something on my walk back to the cottage that caused me to reflect back 40 years when things at Lakeside were so much more simple. I passed a couple carrying backpacks as I made my way to the old rail tracks which are now a walking trail. Thinking maybe they were getting ready to do the Appalachian Trail or El Camino in Spain, I paused. They unloaded their packs, put down yoga mats and opened their laptop computer which was playing an exercise routine. You've come a long way Lakeside.
Monday, July 30, 2018
Trombone review
We have an arts center here at Lakeside, the Rhein Center, dedicated to the memory of a son/Lakesider who was killed in a terrorist attack. It’s extremely popular and the offerings expand every year. My husband teaches perspective drawing/watercolor there. Today I'm going up to see if there are openings in the trombone class. I've never seen that offered, and 60 years is a long time, but thought I'd see what I remember.
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Nothing Gold Can Stay
I have a new shirt—it’s gray and white blocks with gold flowers embellished with gold sparkles on the white. That’s my reflection in a mirror on the closet door. There is old style writing on it, and my friend Nancy Long asked what it said. I didn’t know because the writing was rather loose and slanted and I had assumed it was in a foreign language and hadn’t really examined it. But I could make out one line “Her hardest hue to hold,” so I looked it up on the internet.
Robert Frost. “Nothing gold can stay.” Whether he’s saying the first green you see in spring is the most desirable, or that the flowers that bloom as the leaves unfold have a gold hue, I don’t know. But they only last briefly, as the dawn becomes day, and nothing precious lasts forever. “So Eden sank to grief.”
I attended a program with Robert Frost reading his own poetry when I was in college, probably 1959 or 1960. His simple poems were elegant and yet complex. My date was Chinese. He seemed a little puzzled.
Robert Frost, 1874 - 1963
Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Something’s gotta give movie for Saturday
It’s a gorgeous day at Lakeside, one of the prettiest we’ve had, and after a stroll through the craft show I sat down and watched a throw away movie, “Something’s gotta give” with Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson. Kind of predictable—the movie begins with him dating her (Keaton’s character) daughter, but in the end the two who are closer in age end up together. Lots of sex scenes and innuendo and jokes about heart attacks, eye glasses, age and aging. I wandered away a lot, looking for something crunchy to munch, but there was nothing but healthy stuff in the house.
What I found surprising was how up to date everything looked—from the fashion, to the phones to the kitchen counter tops. For a movie that is 15+ years old, it has aged well. If this were 1958 or 1968 and the movie was 15 years old we’d be giggling at the fashion and hair styles.
Around town
Dinner tonight: roast chicken, coleslaw, baked potato, grapes and cherries, and carrot cake. The place is crawling with people. The program tonight, Home Free, was the biggest draw in 2017, so they’re expecting a big crowd. I think we’ll have to be at Hoover when the doors open at 7:30 if we want a good seat.
Here’s what I wrote last year. “Home Free, a "vocal band" put on a fabulous show Friday night at the Hoover in Lakeside. Pretty much a packed house--lots of covers of Oak Ridge Boys, Statler Brothers, Alabama, etc. Loved Elvira. Nice Johnny Cash Ring of Fire, too. A few of the hip hop genre I thought were inappropriate for our regular audience, but they are a quality, fabulous group. Don't miss them if they are performing near you. Amazing sound--all vocal.
Today’s smoothie
It was sort of clean out the tired and lonely fruit from the frig day. Heading back to Lakeside after a week at home so I needed to make some room in the cooler.
Carrot juice
Baby spinach
1 orange
1 peach
This had a lot of fiber.
Christian community—a how to do list
“A good way to start loving God divinely is by generously loving your spouse, children, parents, siblings, and friends. It is doubtful that we will love anyone else if we fail to love the ones closest to us.
Love is the key, love is the secret weapon. Forget about how you feel. Love is not a feeling; it’s a decision to prefer the good of others. Make a habit of this and you will start changing things around you and your work will be amplified.” Douglas Dewey
And then the author provides 10.5 rules for accomplishing the commandment to love God and others—forming Christian community. Some may surprise you.½-rules-for-forming-Christian-community/
Friday, July 27, 2018
Exercising at Life Time
I enjoy working out at Life Time Fitness (117 centers in 26 states and 34 major markets under the LIFE TIME FITNESS® and LIFE TIME ATHLETIC® brands in the United States and Canada) on Henderson Rd., near our home. I really do. I’ve been going about 5-6 times a week since January—treadmill and resistance machines. I think it’s helping my balance and the strength in my hands. However, as I read through its magazine, "Experience Life," I do sense that focusing totally on oneself--personal empowerment--body, nutrition, well-being, fitness, breathing (mindfulness and other eastern quasi-religious exercises are big), and "connectedness"--is a tad shallow even if it is a billion dollar business. "Small acts of kindness. . . offer great health benefits and make us feel more secure" and so forth.
The Founder, Chairman, and CEO is Bahram Akradi, who immigrated to the U.S. from Iran as a teen-ager. His father was in the Iranian Air Force and sensed a revolution was coming so sent his son to the U.S. to live with his brother. He's positive that embracing respect as our guiding principle is good for our health and the country. See what you think and whether something is missing.
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Graigmile back for a 6th season in 2018
You don’t need to be Catholic to appreciate the excellent program offered in the summer by The Church of St. Mary in Lake Forest, Illinois by Charles Craigmile. He is a theologian turned businessman. I’ve watched them all. This season is about the culture and relies on the work of Pope Benedict, “Culture Lost, Culture Reclaimed: The Catholic Renewal.” 50 years ago the Pope wrote “Introduction to Christianity” (as Cardinal Ratzinger). 2018 is also the 50th anniversary of Humanae Vitae, and the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI. Also the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx.
“Lecturer Charles H. Craigmile holds an undergraduate degree in philosophy, with minors in Latin and Greek from the University of St. Thomas, an MA in philosophy from DePaul University, and an MBA from JL Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Charles has also completed three-years’ course work toward a graduate degree in Theology at the University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein. Over the last 25 years, Charles has taught Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) programs across the Chicago area and led summer programs in recent years at Church of Saint Mary in Lake Forest. He is president and CEO of Revenova, LLC, the leading Cloud-based Transportation Management Application built on the platform. Previously, he was president and CEO of Forseva which he sold to Equifax in 2014.” (From 2014 story in Daily North Shore)
July 26, 1833 William Wilberforce and slavery
I have a morning routine of about 30 minutes which includes some reading and journaling, and before we went to the Lake I’d checked out of the UALC library “The One Year Christian History; a daily glimpse into God’s powerful work” by E. Michael and Sharon Rusten, c. 2003. The passage for July 26 was on William Wilberforce (b. 1759) and his battle to free the slaves of the British Empire. On July 26, 1833, when Wilberforce was on his death bed he received word that the Emancipation Act freeing the slaves of the British Empire was assured of passing. (The British slave trade itself had been abolished in 1807. The U.S. Constitution had written into it the abolishment of the slave trade in 1807 and which took effect Jan. 1, 1808.) He had been working with a group of Christian men and women, wealthy and powerful, and although Wilberforce is the name known on both sides of the Atlantic as a dedicated abolitionist, his band of friends were essential to his mission.
This link (not in the book) is additional information on his group, and contains an interesting outline describing when Christians band together in common cause and take the long view, much can be accomplished. ttp://
The outline of how Wilberforce’s group functioned would itself make an interesting topic for a small covenant group or Sunday school class.
• They shared a common commitment to Jesus Christ and a clear sense of calling.
• They were committed to lifelong friendship and mutual submission was the norm. • Their advocacy was marked by careful research, planning and strategy.
• They worshiped both privately and publicly, gathering twice weekly at the Clapham Church.
• Their friendships were inclusive and focused on the essentials. For example, Wilberforce was a Wesleyan and his closest friend, Henry Thornton, was a Calvinist.
• They made family life a clear priority and delighted in each other’s marriages and children.
• They kept the “long view” on completing projects. Abolition of the slave trade took 20 years!
• They made no dichotomy between evangelism and social action. Their magazine, The Christian Observer, exemplifies this.
• Their faith was integral to all of life, family, career, friendship and more. It was a faith that the younger generation calls, “24/7.” They talked together of a faith that impacted every part of their lives. There were no “compartments.”
• They enabled one another vs. trying to “have it all.” They recognized each other’s passions and supported one another in addressing them.
The Rusten title would make a nice gift—especially for one with a shorter attention span but who can still make it through a few pages.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Happy Birthday, Carol
Happy 81st birthday to my sister Carol who died in 1996 at 58. We still miss you. Photo is 1989 with her daughter and son. Recently we got to meet her great granddaughter who visited us at Lakeside with her grandparents. What a treat. Carol was the only one of my family with any fashion flair, and loved beautiful clothes, bright colors, stylish purses, shoes and jewelry. As an enterprising teen, she sold Avon products. Although her primary career was in nursing with a degree from Goshen College, she did own a dress shop in Bradenton, FL.
Never a snowflake, after high school graduation in 1955 Carol went into Brethren Volunteer Service and did incredible tasks for one so young, like doing church plant surveys in Denver, helping with clean up after flooding in Pennsylvania, teaching Sunday School and leading worship in Kentucky where she road horseback to services because there were no passable roads, and being a "healthy volunteer patient" aka guinea pig at NIH in Maryland. I wonder if she is one of the results cited in this article.
She was a survivor of childhood bulbar polio and struggled with many health issues, but cared for many as a home health nurse in her last years.
Today’s smoothie
About 10 white grapes (seedless)
6 large strawberries
1 medium banana
8 oz. carrot juice
few handfuls baby spinach, washed, not stemmed
White grapes are used as a natural sweetener, so this one was a little sweeter than usual. And things were a little messier since I didn’t have the appliance screwed together tightly and some carrot juice leaked out. Always check!
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Hair today, gone tomorrow
January 2016
September 2010
Fall 1947
Spring 1966
May 1996
July 1984
August 2007
Today, July 24, 2018, new perm
The drive to spy on and impeach Trump
“If the information in the FBI’s Carter Page warrant constituted probable cause for wiretapping an American political campaign, then the process and the officials involved in it carried out one of the most significant known violations of American civil liberties in recent history,” Penn writes at The Hill. “The documents released over the weekend reveal quite clearly that the only information that even remotely connected Page and the 2016 campaign to Russia came solely from Fusion GPS dossier and a Yahoo News report that was based on the same information from the same source.”
The evidence is there was no evidence.
Mark Penn, former Clinton pollster, writing at The Hill.
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Comment on Ocasio-Cortez by request
By Kevin Ryan
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made several bizarre claims in an interview with Firing Line’s Margaret Hoover last week that has a lot of people scratching their heads. Ocasio-Cortez, the left’s new darling and self-described socialist, was asked about the strong economy and low unemployment rate. She offered a bizarre explanation.
“Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs,” she explained. “Unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week and can barely feed their kids.”
Ok, first of all, that’s not even how the unemployment rate works. It’s a measure of how many people are looking for a job but can’t find one. Neither holding multiple jobs, nor working overtime affects the calculation at all.
Secondly, “everyone has two jobs” couldn’t be further than the truth. The percent of workers with more than one just is near its all-time low, under 5%.
And people aren’t working longer and longer hours to make ends meet. In fact, people are working fewer hours, not more, meaning it’s actually easier than ever to feed your family.
Ocasio-Cortez then goes on to blame capitalism for the above-mentioned made-up problems. Ironically, her dire description of the economy is a more apt description of what life was like BEFORE capitalism, when everyone worked extremely long hours, including children, just to avoid starvation. She seems to long for those days.
“Capitalism has not always existed in the world and it will not always exist in the world,” she said.
NOTE ON METHODOLOGY: Weekly work hours is based on the BLS “Business Sector: Average Weekly Hours” index, which I’ve converted from an index to actual hours. There are many different measures of “weekly work hours,” but all show a long downward trend in hours worked, not an upward trend as Ocasio-Cortez contends.
Today’s smoothie
carrot juice
Here’s the problem. Blue and orange are used in watercolor to make a vibrant gray, but in food it’s just a yucky brown. But the taste was fine.
After the boat show we packed up and drove back to Columbus, so our daughter and son-in-law could enjoy their vacation at the lake.
When Trump won, you may have lost some family and friends
"On November 9, you awoke from a self-induced, eight-year-long political coma to find that White House press secretaries shade the truth and top presidential advisors run political cover for their boss. You were shocked to discover that presidents exaggerate, even lie, on occasion. You became interested for the first time about the travel accommodations, office expenses, and lobbyist pals of administration officials. You started counting how many rounds of golf the president played. You suddenly thought it was fine to mock the first lady now that she wasn’t Michelle Obama. Once you removed your pussy hat after attending the Women’s March, you made fun of Kellyanne Conway’s hair, Sarah Sanders’ weight, Melania Trump’s shoes, Hope Hicks’ death stare; you helped fuel a rumor started by a bottom-feeding author that U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley slept with Donald Trump. You thought it was A-OK that Betsy DeVos was nearly physically assaulted and routinely heckled. You glorified a woman who has sex on camera for a paycheck.
You have learned all kinds of new things that those of us who didn’t willfully ignore politics for the past eight years already knew. For example, we already knew that illegal immigrants were being deported and families were being separated."
And there’s more.
Friday, July 20, 2018
Week 6 at Lakeside 2018
Usually we go home on the Saturday our daughter and son-in-law have their vacation at our cottage, but this year our friends Rod and Judi will be here for the wooden boat show so we’ll go home after church on Sunday. This promises to be a good week-end of programing so I’m glad we’ll be here. Although I’m sure the artists are disappointed, we were thrilled to welcome the rain around noon.
From the newsletter:
“A collaborative effort blending the craftsmanship of the Lakeside Wooden Boat Show and the artistic expression of the Plein Air Art Festival will create one of Lakeside’s most unique weekends of the summer from July 20-22.
This three-day event begins on Friday, July 20 when more than 30 plein air artists from across the Midwest arrive to paint outdoor landscapes until Sunday, July 22.
The term “en plein air” means painting “in the open air.” The artists will be painting scenes throughout the entire community, and all are invited to watch them paint.
On Sunday, the Lakeside waterfront will transform into an outdoor showroom of classic wooden boats, as cruisers line the dock and the lawn of Hotel Lakeside for the 15th Annual Lakeside Wooden Boat Show from 12-4 p.m.
More than 80 wooden boats, each classified by the year it was made, will be featured.
The boats are categorized as historic (prior to 1918), antique (1919-1942), classic (1943-1975), early contemporary (1976-1984) and late contemporary (past 30 years). The sizes of the wooden boats featured range from 9’ to 57’.
The show is coordinated by the Lakeside Wooden Boat Society.
And just for fun, I’ve been cleaning the basement for two days. It’s not a huge basement—maybe 10 x 10—but when you have one, you just save a lot of stuff that should have been thrown away. So I have 2 sacks of useable things for the Archives (or Hotel) sale on Labor Day like coffee cups, flower vases, cat dishes, 3 iron skillets, some plumbing repair thingies to fix what we don’t know, and then lots of stuff went to the curb (we don’t actually have curbs) for Friday recycling day (some of which disappeared over night because someone needed it), but they would take the old humidifier. Now we also need to find a toxic waste collection site for 30 year old cans of paint. I also washed the rugs and rags, so. . . I’m feeling very self-righteous.
Arguing with a liberal today compared to a generation ago, guest blogger
“I have two "friends" who oppose Trump and do Facebook politics. One is a Democrat and the other is a Never Trumper.
The Democrat posted a meme the other day that said something along the lines of "Avocado farmers can't get enough help to harvest the crop. Now's a good time for Trump supporters to prove these are not jobs Americans won't do."
He's a welder and a union man. He's about 60 years old and is only a Democrat because his dad was. Many years ago, I argued politics with his dad, when he was a middle aged man and I was a teen. (Yes, I've been that bad for that long.) He's been gone for several years now, but occasionally, I spar with his son.
I commented something like this:
"What a strange twist of fate. Many years ago, I would have argued with your dad about this. I would have been on your side, arguing that we should have massive immigration (though I think I would have argued for legal immigration, not illegal immigration) in order to keep prices down for consumers.
"Your dad would have argued that the American working man deserved that job and the companies could pay him enough to persuade him to work for them.
"It's funny how life turns around."
He never responded, but a couple of days went by and he deleted his post.
This week, the "conservative" never Trumper, who is a bureaucrat in DC, posted an article from WaPo about Helsinki and commented that he couldn't believe anyone still supported the president.
The conversation went on at great length, but it included me mentioning his own Pauline Kael moment, the fact that Trump may not have given a well thought out answer, but that the reporter was stupid for thinking he should turn and call Putin a liar to his face.
I went on, after he said I was defending the GRU, to ask where in the world did he get that from and to say that the entire thing was a farce and theater for the weak minded. That if they were actually interested in stopping Russian election activity, it wouldn't have happened in a special prosecutors office, which was staffed with activist Democrat lawyers.
It would have happened secretly in a counter intelligence unit and they wouldn't have announced anything in a press conference, telling everything they knew, but would have worked behind the scenes developing policies and procedures to prevent further damage.
He deleted the post.”
Thank you, good post (used with permission, but no name please).
Today’s smoothie—taking a risk
Today I added a little honey, figuring it might just taste a little—mmm odd.
1/4 yellow bell pepper, seeds removed
2-3 leaves of beet greens, without stems
carrot juice
cantaloupe chunks
1/2 teaspoon of honey + water
Beet leaves are the best part of the beet—the roots really don’t have that much nutrition, although I like them either cooked with butter and salt, or served cold with a sweet sour dressing. Beet greens are an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids), vitamin C, copper, potassium, manganese, vitamin B2, magnesium, vitamin E, fiber and calcium. They are a very good source of iron, vitamins B1, B6, and pantothenic acid, as well as phosphorus and protein. World’s Healthiest foods. I didn’t cook the greens, but I think that would be best. If you’re watching your Vitamin K due to a blood thinner, this might not be a good option, since it has over 700% of daily minimum.
And beet greens are more powerful and nutritious than kale.
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Abandoned art
Artist (at the Rhein Center, Lakeside, OH) Bev Beatty is leaving small pieces of art around our little community called “abandoned art.” Whoever finds them can keep them, or leave them for someone else to find. Today at the Wellness Center I noticed something on the window sill and thought someone had forgotten something. Then I noticed the note inside that it was abandoned art just for me to find or leave as is. It’s a tiny Christmas tree in blue, pink and taupe, just the colors of our cottage, so of course, I brought it home for the fireplace mantel.
Monday, July 16, 2018
Today’s smoothie
First I prepared an eggnog with honey and vanilla, gently cooked it. Then I used carrot juice, watercress, romaine lettuce and a banana. Very mild, pale yellow green. For breakfast.
“Romaine lettuce is an excellent source of vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids), vitamin K, folate and molybdenum. In addition, romaine lettuce is a very good source of dietary fiber, manganese, potassium, biotin, vitamin B1, copper, iron and vitamin C. It is also a good source of vitamin B2, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B6, phosphorus, chromium, magnesium, calcium and pantothenic acid. “
Saturday, July 14, 2018
Clinton on Kavanaugh
"That Congress has no power under the Constitution, to interfere with or control the domestic institutions of the several States, and that such States are the sole and proper judges of everything appertaining to their own affairs, not prohibited by the Constitution; that all efforts of the abolitionists, or others, made to induce Congress to interfere with questions of slavery, or to take incipient steps in relation thereto, are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequences; and that all such efforts have an inevitable tendency to diminish the happiness of the people and endanger the stability and permanency of the Union, and ought not to be countenanced by any friend of our political institutions. "
1856 Democrat Party Platform
Friday, July 13, 2018
What is leadership?
I'm reading "Making a Difference; stories of vision and courage from America's leaders" by Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger. It's a collection of stories about what qualities make one a leader--people as different as Tammy Duckworth, Michelle Rhee, and Jim Sinegal. I see Trump's qualities in many of these stories. Sully is a much admired American hero, but if he were to run on a political ticket--either party--he would be roundly denounced.
Lena Raman who Walked Away
“While I was volunteering for an organization in San Francisco, a group of women in hijab came to talk to us about how “America is oppressing them.” I sat in the back row silently listening. When the time came and the girl asked if we had any questions, I raised my hand.
I said, “I am an ex Muslim woman who is half Iranian and half Indian. I’ve lived in Iran for 5 years with little to no rights. Forget having the opportunity to stand before a group of Americans, bashing America. . .I couldn’t even stand before a group of Iranians without a guardian. Today, you stand before me bashing the country which has given me the right your country didn’t. When the Iranians found out that my father was Indian, they would double tax his products. My mother couldn’t leave the house without being harassed. Not saying every Muslim is this way, but why don’t you talk about the extreme oppression which goes on in your country. You are standing on the land of the free. Though the government might not be perfect, but I’d be damned if you said my country oppressed me.”
I didn’t walk away necessarily, but I was asked to leave.
I am a PROUD LEGAL IMMIGRANT. My family fought long and hard to be part of this country. Never will I forget the nightmare I’ve escaped from. It is so easy to point fingers and bash a country which gives you the right to do so. You can’t speak oppression if you can freely practice your religion here. You can’t possibly be oppressed if you can stand in front of a group of Americans, bashing America. You can’t possibly be oppressed if you can leave the house wearing what you want. These are the rights America has given me and trust me when I say. . .
Today’s smoothie
vanilla and honey
“Watercress contains more vitamin C than an orange, more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach, and more folate than bananas. The phytonutrients are where the health benefits of watercress are contained. Watercress contains vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, iron, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus, which are required for a healthy body.”
I made the eggnog first, then heated it to be sure there were no bacteria, since uncooked eggs can be tricky. This turned out to be a pale green.
Taking the low road
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Democrats long road of racism
NATO costs—for decades Presidents have chided them
Here's Bernie Sanders during the 2016 campaign. "Sanders said, "We spend about 75 percent of the entire cost of the military aspect of NATO. Given the fact that France has a very good health care system and free public education, college education for their people, the U.K. has a good National Health Service and they also provide fairly reasonable higher education, you know what, yeah, I do believe that the countries of Europe should pick up more of the burden for their defense." (Politifact, April 19, 2016)
Politifact is liberal so of course it quibbled. It refigured the math and said it was ONLY 72%. Bernie did say "about," but never mind. The choice was to criticize the Obama administration, or to support the socialist.
So maybe President Obama sounded like Mr. Rogers when he said it, but essentially on April 25, 2016, he said what Trump said sounding like a President of the U.S., and the media did not have a melt down.
“We need to stay nimble, and make sure our forces are interoperable, and invest in new capabilities like cyber defense and missile defense. And that’s why every NATO member should be contributing its full share — 2 percent of GDP — toward our common security, something that doesn’t always happen. And I’ll be honest, sometimes Europe has been complacent about its own defense.” . . . Oh yes, and Obama said he wanted a good relationship with Russia in that same speech.
In fact, the Washington Post claimed candidate Trump was essentially saying what Obama said about NATO. But that was then. . . 2016.
Today’s smoothie
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Where were the ICE protests in 2013?
Donald Trump wasn’t president in 2013, so there was no need to protest. Obama was the deporter-in-chief according to some on the far left. But thousands were released into the U.S. population, never to return for their court date.
Very sad news for our church family
Funeral arrangements have not yet been completed, but that information will be shared with you once plans are finalized.
Thank you for your prayers thus far. It has been a blessing to the family to know that so many people have been lifting them in prayer. Please continue to pray for Pastor Dave, Pam, their children Joelle, Isaac, EJ, and the entire Mann family as they grieve the loss of their son and brother.
May we all find comfort and peace in the hope and promise of the Resurrection!”
This just a week after the death of their 4 day old grandson, EJ’s baby. The whole congregation is just reeling.
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
“Unaccompanied Alien Children” (UAC) included admitted murderers, rapists, drug smugglers, prostitutes, and human traffickers in 2014
- "Judicial Watch today released 224 pages of documents containing nearly 1,000 summaries of Significant Incident Reports (SIRs) from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealing that “Unaccompanied Alien Children” (UAC) processed during the Obama administration included admitted murderers, rapists, drug smugglers, prostitutes, and human traffickers.
The documents, from the HHS Administration for Children and Families reported to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), are for the approximate six-month period May to November 2014. The reports Include 1,000 ‘Significant Incident Reports,’ revealing UAC ‘refugees’ admitting to murder for drug cartels, prostitution, and sexual predation."
I believe 2014 was on Obama's watch and these "children" were separated from their parents and "refugees" detained for crimes. I'm not expecting to see or hear of this on the evening news. Possibly an opinion show like Tucker Carlson might cover it. This is a long document with details and links. If you remain ignorant about what is going on/what went on, it's by choice.
Diversity and White Privilege
Victor Davis Hanson,
Monday, July 09, 2018
Therese Okoumou, the ungrateful legal immigrant
“The woman who shut down the Statue of Liberty on Independence Day by illegally climbing on it, Therese Okoumou, 44, and then, after saved by the police, denounced the United States of America as "oppressive," is a legal immigrant who came to America from the Congo in 1995.
She has spent the last 20 years as an liberal activist AGAINST America, arrested numerous times, while women are mass raped, children are decapitated and soldiers eat villagers for dinner in the Congo, her country of birth. Let's ask her why she fails to address the nightmare happening in her own African country. It's on the brink of genocide. Why isn't she protesting the horrors in the Congo, where she was born, instead of being a pawn for the resistance, dishonoring America, the country that gave her a second chance at living a free and normal life. What an ungrateful, selfish, pathetic individual.
Rebels and government troops in the Kasai region of the Congo commit sickening atrocities including mass rape and cannibalism. Boys in the Congo rape their own mothers while blood-drinking soldiers feast on the flesh of dying victims. In one horrific massacre, 186 men and young boys from a single village had their heads chopped off. Little girls and boys are told that witchcraft will make them invincible against bullets. Women are forced to choose between gang rape or death.
Witnesses say the Congolese militia actually sport female genitals as medals. They cut up, cook and eat human flesh, including penises cut from men who were still alive and from corpses and drink human blood. Children are killed by machine-gun fire and their bodies are buried in mass graves … or are sometimes piled in trucks by soldiers to be buried elsewhere. Is this the 3rd world culture we want to bring to America? This is the culture Therese escaped and is disingenuously saying is somehow better than America? Lies.
Is this what Michelle Obama meant by "when they go low, we go high"? One would have to be HIGH to avert their eyes from this horror story. Therese, go home and channel your rage where it's needed most. Enough of your faux outrage over America. America is the best thing that ever happened to you.
PS: This is not her first victimhood rodeo: She claimed in 2005 that she was treated “in a demeaning manner” by her bosses and told that she would be fired “for complaining of discrimination.” It’s unclear why her complaint was tossed out.
In 2011, Okoumou made headlines after she was hit with an astounding 60 violations for illegally posting ads for her services as a personal trainer.
The Department of Sanitation slapped her with $4,500 in fines that year after she spent five hours one Sunday posting the fliers on Manhattan utility poles.
In 2017, she was arrested and charged with obstructing governmental administration, unlawful assembly and trespassing during a demonstration at the Department of Labor building. She had allegedly covered her mouth with tape and refused to respond to police demands. What a delightful woman.”
Today’s NutriBullet
Today’s (breakfast and lunch) is carrot juice, baby spinach, banana, frozen pineapple, and melon. It’s sort of a pale moss green—if I’d added strawberries or blue berries, it would be dog poop brown. We’ve tried the drinks using kale, but the spinach works better with our digestive systems. These drinks are not juices—contain all the fiber (except for the carrots). I don’t usually think of bananas as having a strong flavor, but when mixed with other fruits, you can always taste it.
Spinach slightly edges out kale, according to a source I quoted in 2015. But both are good. I also blogged about this in June.
One cup of spinach meets 36 percent of the recommended daily iron value, whereas kale supplies 6 percent. As for other nutrition facts: one cup spinach has 41 calories, 4.3 grams of fiber, 5.3 grams of protein, 244.8 grams of calcium, and 838.8 milligrams of potassium. The same quantity of kale has 36 calories, 2.6 grams of fiber, 2.5 grams of protein, 93.6 grams of calcium, and 296.4 milligrams of potassium. Besides being an excellent source of potassium and calcium, spinach is a nutritional powerhouse delivering vitamins K, A, C, E, and B2. Kale is also a nutrition winner, packing vitamins K, A, C.
Saturday, July 07, 2018
Pascal on the Christian religion
Pascal died a very young man—39--and Pensees was published after his death, and was assumed to be notes for a larger, more polished work. T.S. Eliot (20th century American/British poet and social critic), in the book’s introduction, implies his religious, theological and science ideas are so well known, he hardly needed to review them. That, of course, is not true—not sure it ever was. My own formal education is quite lacking in philosophy, religion, literature and the mathematical sciences, although that isn’t always the case for others my age, I’m guessing it is for today’s students. I believe I was in a Bible study many years ago and did come across his famous wager for the existence of God. "If you win, you win everything; if you lose, you lose nothing."
Friday, July 06, 2018
An Arizona citizen, guest blogger Dan
And by the way, our local AZ county is larger than Connecticut! Maricopa County with the infamous Sheriff Joe was larger. He did a good job in the rural areas but the liberals in Phoenix took him down. Phoenix is in Maricopa County. I have a friend who drives a school bus. She has to stop at a local low cost motel for kids, the number and who changes regularly as families of illegals move through. How does a school system cope? How does a teacher do a lesson plan? And by the way, they don’t speak English. Arizona has bad school ratings because of this and the fact rural areas don’t have a tax base to get qualified teachers. So what’s happening? Charter schools are being used to avoid the public schools. I don’t think things like this get much national press.”
Obama administration was the world’s largest arms dealer
Thursday, July 05, 2018
Meaning of the Fourth, by David Keck guest blogger
DNC chair praises socialism as future of party.
What do Democrats have against ICE?
“Operation Broken Heart was set up by the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task force, which partnered with ICE and its Operation Predator. The criminal sweep occurred during March, April, and May.
In addition to the 2,300-plus arrests, Operation Broken Heart led to the identification of 195 offenders guilty of child pornography or child sex abuse, and the identification of 383 child victims of child pornography or sexual abuse, reported ICE in a statement.”
ICE is actually protecting children—leftists are throwing them to the wolves.
Declaration of Independence
-- Samuel Eliot Morison
(1887-1976) Rear Admiral USNR, Naval historian
A clinger not a climber
“A woman protesting U.S. immigration law attempted to climb the Statue of Liberty on the Fourth of July. She did not get very far. She refused to come down until “all the children are released.” But her pledge held up about as well as her climbing abilities. Headlines screamed of a woman scaling the Statue of Liberty. When a climber does not reach Lady Liberty’s ankles, the said climber becomes a said something else. Call her a demonstrator, an activist, or Lady Lunacy. Don’t call her a climber. Climbers climb. This lady just held onto the base of a statue for a long period of time.”
American Spectator, July 5, 2018
Wednesday, July 04, 2018
A prayer for Independence Day from the Lutheran Prayer Book
O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come. We give You grateful thanks on this anniversary for the priceless blessing of liberty that with Your help was won for us by our ancestors. Stir up in us a new appreciation for the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness we enjoy in this land of the free and a greater readiness to serve our nation with our talents. Teach us, above all, to treasure that precious freedom of conscience and worship, without which other liberties would not long survive. May we never contribute to the loss of those dearly won blessings by our own selfishness, ambition, or indifference. Teach us furthermore, O Lord, that the enjoyment of freedom brings the responsibility to serve. Make us willing to respect the laws of our country, exercise faithfully our privilege to vote, and give our loyal support to all public institutions. Grant enduring peace to our country and its institutions, so that Your Gospel may be able without hindrance to turn the hearts of all from the bondage of sin to the freedom won by the blood of our precious Redeemer, Jesus, in whose name and for whose sake we ask this. Amen |
My new dryer
Last summer we’d decided we needed to replace our washer-dryer in the basement of our lake house, however we were waiting for the summer of 2018 since we’re not here much after August. This week we have our niece and nephew Dan and Joan Poynter with us, and he can fix anything, so after looking at the platform and the way the appliances were placed, he thought we could support 2 full size instead of 2 apartment size (more expensive and don’t do as well) if he rewired the outlet and bought longer hoses for the washer. The washer is ancient, but works fine, a freebie from our neighbor about 5 years ago when he was replacing his.
So all four of us went to Sandusky to shop yesterday (we not only put our guests to work, we take them to the best tourists spots!). We were looking for the scratch and dent, but only found one—$250 for a full size dryer—but it was gas not electric, and another more expensive model which was over $600 even on sale. We went to Lowe’s and Home Depot, and finally to ABC Appliances where they “sell for less” and they sold us an Amana for one dollar less than the Home Depot price—$377. Most of the other makes and models were $500-$800. Fortunately, Joan had snapped a photo of the tags at the Home Depot, so she had proof, and did the negotiation for us. It was loaded into the van and home we went. It was about a two hour adventure, but then another two hours for Dan in the basement.
Bob and Dan weren’t sure that there was enough room on the platform, so they also bought some wood to extended it, cut to the right size at the store since we didn’t have a power saw. (As it turned out, the feet on the dryer were a little recessed, so the extension wasn’t needed, but it’s there.)
Of course, you don’t just buy a dryer—we also needed to buy new hoses for the washer, new venting for the dryer, new wiring for the outlet, rent for a dolly (that was to remove the old dryer, and the next day we went to a neighbor’s to get the old one down), plus two doors had to be removed. We probably have about $550 invested in a dryer I’ll use 10x a summer. The basement stairs are not standard, and rather dangerous. I sat on the porch not wanting to listen to the grunting and groaning. Oh, and Dan also fixed our basement light so I can see now. Today he’s going to install a fan in the guest bedroom. Let this tale be a warning if you ever come to visit us in Lakeside!!
Tuesday, July 03, 2018
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Fan mail
I was poking around Subscribe with Bloglines today and came across your page: Leg Exercises for Older Adults for gait speed (
Great stuff!
I noticed that you mentioned I also love that article.
In fact, it inspired me to create this resource which breaks down the best leg exercises and an awesome leg workout:
It would make my week if you'd consider mentioning it on your page. Either way, keep up the awesome work with Subscribe with Bloglines!
Least patriotic states
Ohio ranks 32nd in patriotism.
Wallet Hub has many “best” and “worst” articles. Some facts about July 4 and the various celebrations
Monday, July 02, 2018
Desperate Democrats
Needless to say, the Democrats in the Senate and their leftist supporters view this as the coming of the Apocalypse. But it was the triumphant Democrats who, during the heady days of the Obama administration, changed the Senate rules to allow judicial confirmations to proceed on a simple majority vote. Thanks to their lack of foresight and the existing bare majority of Republicans in the Senate, they are facing a tough uphill battle. So we should expect the desperate Democrats to resort to every device and artifice to slime, smear, destroy, and defeat the nominee.” George Parry
Read more:
Baking powder
Today I needed to borrow a pizza pan, so I went over to her house, and she gave me a new can of baking powder so I could throw the old one out. Which I did. But first I removed the price sticker so I could see the use by date on the bottom of the can. November 1996.
Lakeside 2018, week three
About once a summer at our dockside church service we sing the hymn Leaning on the everlasting arms (What a fellowship). I blogged about it in 2012, and my brother in law Nelson added an update for me. It always reminds me of my sister Carol who died in 1996. Then in the afternoon we went to a memorial service for Joel Brucken who was one of Bob’s clients and in several groups with him here at Lakeside. The organist apparently went to the wrong location and rushed in a few minutes after start time, with only time to play one piece, and it was that hymn. So I heard it twice in one day.
Our niece and nephew, Joan and Dan, are with us this week. Since we rarely have anyone to celebrate with in this VERY family oriented place, it’s fun to have them. This is their 4th year to come for the 4th. They are taking advantage of the new swimming pool that opened last summer. I’ve been adding to my regular walking routine by using the small exercise room in the new Wellness Center then include a nice walk through the woods. Dan can fix anything, and he rewired an outlet for our dryer. Now we have to buy a new one.
Another acquaintance at Lakeside, James Fisher, 80, drowned this past week working on his boat. We rented next door to them on Jasmine in the 1970s and they had 6 children, 2 of which were just the right age to play with ours. And they took our kids out on their boat for fishing. Very nice people and a very sad situation—had celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary.
Saturday evening’s program was the Cleveland Pops Orchestra with a number of patriotic selections plus some medleys by old timey pop stars like Elvia Presley, Billy Joel, Neil Diamond, Barry Manilow, and some show tunes from Music Man and Grease. The vocalist was Connor O’Brien, and a lovely 18 year old, Kate Klika. Tonight’s speaker is Laura Schroff who wrote “Angels on Earth”.
Medical advancements are the topic this week—today it is lung, and tomorrow eyes. The speaker today is Marie Budev of the Cleveland Clinic, and she was very interesting. She shared some of her success stories, but there are not many. Some of the take-aways I learned: the 5 year survival rate is 47%-57%; short people have more of a problem finding a match for a transplant because lungs must be the right size; transplant for cystic fibrosis is always a double; skin cancers are common after a transplant and must be regularly checked; IPF, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, is frequently misdiagnosed for 2-3 years, and consulting with 4-5 doctors.
Blaming Trump?
Update: Muslim.
Mexico immigration

Sunday, July 01, 2018
Deportation under Obama
According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history.
In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century. “Yet the country was full of marchers this week-end objecting to Trump? You don’t really think this is about children, do you?
The left hates the Constitution of the United States, guest blogger Michael Smith
"A departure from principle in one instance becomes a precedent for a second; that second for a third; and so on, till the bulk of the society is reduced to be mere automatons of misery, and to have no sensibilities left but for sinning and suffering. Then begins, indeed, the bellum omnium in omnia [the war of all against all], which some philosophers observing to be so general in this world, have mistaken it for the natural, instead of the abusive state of man."
The left hates the Constitution of the United States. They have since the days of Woodrow Wilson. They believe it is a dusty old parchment dreamed up by old slave owning cis-gendered white men to preserve white supremacist patriarchy.
You don't have to believe me - just listen to them when they say the Second Amendment is invalid because there is no way the founders could have foreseen the invention of the AR-15 or when it comes to the radical social engineering they favor, engineering that cannot stand without the coercive force of government being applied.
So, just imagine my chagrin when these same people -people who hate the Constitution - hold up signs saying they want to "defend the constitution" from an "un-American president".
They believe when some leftist justice finds a convoluted way to create some "right" from whole cloth - that is what the Constitution is. It isn't.
Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist #78 that "...the judiciary, from the nature of its functions, will always be the least dangerous to the political rights of the Constitution; because it will be least in a capacity to annoy or injure them."
Hamilton also argued that the "Necessary and Proper" clause of the Constitution did not mean the federal government powers were unlimited, that Congress could only enact laws necessary to support the powers enumerated in the Constitution itself.
Boy, I can't imagine the look on old Alex's face if he could see what has happened to his "least dangerous" branch. He had an inkling how despotism could come about - reading a bit further down in Federalist #78, we find this:
"It equally proves that though individual oppression may now and then proceed from the courts of justice, the general liberty can never be endangered from that quarter: I mean so long as the judiciary remains truly distinct from both the legislature and executive; for I agree that “there is no liberty if the power of judging be not separated from the legislative and the executive powers.” And it proves, in the last place, that as liberty can have nothing to fear from the judiciary alone, but it would have everything to fear from its union with either of the other departments."
If we take an honest look at the Supreme Court, over the past century, in addition to its power to interpret the laws, it has assumed the power of the Executive to enforce and the power of the Legislative to regulate. Rather than creating a "union with either of the other departments" the SCOTUS usurped those powers and is shielded from retribution by the idea of "judicial supremacy", a concept twisted from John Marshall's opinion in Marbury v. Madison (1803), elevating the Supreme Court to the single and sloe arbiter of that which is constitutional.
But Marshall's opinion said none of that. Marshall never expressed that SCOTUS should be the ultimate arbiter - he simply held that Congress could not extend the jurisdiction of the Court beyond that which the Constitution had provided. President's all the way through Lincoln saw the three branches as equal in interpretation of the Constitution - essentially saying that the judiciary could be overridden by the other two branches.
The first moves to politicize the courts gained momentum under Woodrow Wilson and continued with FDR trying to pack the Supreme Court when the Republican majority ruled many of his New Deal actions unconstitutional. Conservatives wanted to strengthen the court against FDR's machinations and in doing so, set the stage for things to come.
The first real expression of "judicial supremacy" came about in the Warren court in 1958 when the justices claimed that Marbury v. Madison had “declared the basic principle that the federal judiciary is supreme in its exposition of the law of the Constitution, and that principle has ever since been respected by this court and the country as a permanent and indispensable feature of our constitutional system.”
The Warren Court went a long way toward politicizing and weaponizing the court system and setting SCOTUS up as a super-legislative body that is not co-equal to the other branches but one that sits above them. . . and that is why the progressive left sees control over the Supreme Court as a matter of life or death. For their ideology, it is.