Friday, June 30, 2017
Missing potato masher
Obesity is a chronic disease, interesting Ted Talks.
I’d start here. Drop the guilt. Dr. Arya Sharma explores the complex biology behind weight loss and regaining it, and why obesity should be managed as a chronic disease rather than as a personal failure. He doesn’t really explain how, just what the mind set need to be.
Dr. Deborah Cohen debunks the myth of personal responsibility for weight gain and provides the real causes of the obesity epidemic and how we can stop them. Lots of “shoulds.” She equates the solution with how the U.S. controlled alcohol and achieved pure water. You can tell from the comments, this is not a popular idea—to treat obesity as a public health problem with more government intervention. I'm not a junk food eater (except for the occasional Little Debbie or bag of Fritoes). I'm not influenced by advertising. I think there's more to it.
What about a new attitude toward exercise and nutrition for older people? How many new leaves have you turned since age 40? I would love to weigh what I did 25 years ago when I thought I was “fat. Professor and Chair of the Department of Nutrition Sciences at Drexel University, Dr. Stella Volpe confronts our popular denial of growing older and older every day. Dr. Volpe points out that it is never too late to start becoming an active and healthy individual . I think she’s never had bursitis! Can’t take the stairs—that’s what created the problem.
This guy, Charles Eugster, died two months ago at 97, but it's an interesting video. He started body-building at 87. He wrote a book, "Age is just a number." He was in his 90s when he did this Ted Talk and was probably healthier than most of the teens you see.
Truth is hard
Dana Loesch responded to attacks from the Left about her ad about the violence of the Left. “I am proud of this ad. I endorse personally the message of this ad. It’s a fantastic ad and it holds up a mirror to the violent aspects of the left.” Appearing on NRATV, she used a visual of the “Resist” closed fist symbol to state that the same people claiming she is inciting violence, are the ones who have been organizing riots, destroying property, burning down campuses and hurting people. “I don’t have to remind you or anyone else of what happened sadly just two weeks ago, when a leftist went to a ball field with a list of Republican Congressmen,” said Loesch. The visual representation was also a response to critics of the ad who took offense to one of Loesch’s closing lines: “the only way we save our country and our freedom is to fight this violence of lies with the clenched fist of truth.” During her appearance Thursday, Loesch stated, “When I say the clenched fist of truth, I mean the clenched fist of truth.” Note: I can't get the link to actually work--maybe you can.
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Clinton visits ALA
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Wednesday at Lakeside
Update: The herb group meeting was great. Looks like an interesting season of programs with a field trip to Mulberry Creek Herb Farm, 3312 Bogart Rd. Huron, OH 44829
Lunch at Bistro 163 was delicious. What a wonderful program. Suggested prices, and the staff are volunteers, sort of like docents, who explain what the non-profit is about. During the school year they bring kids there for tutoring, and then send them home with a healthy snack. I had salmon and a salad, and Nancy had flat bread with figs, bacon and focaccia which I tasted, and we both had coconut bread pudding for dessert.
I did make it to the afternoon nutrition lecture, which included some very basic information about calories, metabolism, micronutrients, and controllable and uncontrollable factors. She reported on the Biggest Loser study (2016) and long term change. and some interesting books by Brian Wansick, Mindless eating and Slim by design. I learned that people who have food on their kitchen counter, particularly cereal, are more likely to be over weight, and people who have fruit on the counter, weigh less.
Trump, the Tranies, and the Deep State
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
The lean and green diet
My mantra on weight loss is “Eat less; move more.” ELMM. Works whether you just eat Twinkies, Paleo, gluten free, periodic fasting or Mediterreanean. But it has to work for you. Snacks make me hungry—or am I hungry and then snack? Perhaps when she meets her goal, she could add fruit or nuts (which I love).
We often go out to eat with a thin couple in their early 80s. I have never seen them order anything but a large salad.
Here are some examples of Lean and Green meals I found:
• Big salad with vegetables (basically any vegetable of your choice, you can get creative), grilled chicken (or any lean meat of your choice), and dressing (just be mindful 1 tablespoon of olive oil has 110 calories, and a couple tablespoons of the average dressing has around 100 calories).
• Salmon with string beans and asparagus
• Top Sirloin steak (preferably grass fed, has 1/3 the saturated fat) with spinach
Body building sites I checked said vegetables are “free,” and you can eat all you want. I’d go for fresh, just from common sense. Sometimes those bagged carrots taste like wood, and bags of salad mixings, although quick and easy, have also been recalled for bacteria.
Monday, June 26, 2017
How to lose your audience
Trapped. That’s how I felt when I attended what would be a wonderful program of choral music, and instead got lectures (called “reflections”) so inappropriate for a lovely summer Sunday evening I thought I’d walked into a micro-aggression workshop for hate whitey or black lives matter rally. Most people love the black gospel and spiritual contributions to the American religious and choral tradition, and yes, they do know the history of the pain and suffering from which they came, but please don’t use them to club us into staying away from the concerts. I'm not sure how, but even "I'll fly away" by Alfred Brumley, a white Oklahoma sharecropper, seemed to have been roped into this meme of slavery. Perhaps I misunderstood, or dozed off.
We are living in an era of unprecedented human slavery. There is more slavery today than during the 18th century Atlantic slave trade. Children are used as soldiers, women and girls are taken as sex slaves, men are forced to work in mines. In some countries like Haiti and the Philippines household slavery is just part of the culture and many don’t even recognize it. Most of this happens in Africa, with heavy Muslim involvement, but what church program today would discuss that hot topic? Very little of it, unlike Boko Haram stealing Church of the Brethren school girls for sex slaves from a school in Nigeria, makes it into the evening news.
To compulsively return to a period of history when Europeans bought slaves from African Muslims and tribal chiefs and sold them to the colonies which later became the United States which fought an ugly war to end it, is just not good commentary for a program of music celebrating freedom in Christ.
Fox on the way out? Down? Sideways?
Fox News has been slipping badly lately under new management, but it still has more balanced coverage than the other cable newsy-notes and opinions. It’s coverage of Trump is only 52% negative as opposed to 98% like the others. I’ve been using EWTN and YouTube to gather a variety of opinions on politics, entertainment and culture.
“Fox News has undergone significant changes in the past year; founder Roger Ailes resigned under a cloud of sexual harassment allegations and died in May at the age of 77, while co-president and longtime producer Bill Shine left the network shortly after O’Reilly.
The network moved former Crossfire host Tucker Carlson into O’Reilly’s old 8 p.m. time slot, and moved its panel show The Five to 9 p.m. Sean Hannity remained on in the 10 p.m. hour.
Fox News is still the most-watched cable news network, but it has faced stronger competition in recent weeks as MSNBC and its star anchor, Rachel Maddow, have made ratings gains due to their focus on critical coverage of President Donald Trump’s administration.”
Road trip in Scotland
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Porch or beach reading
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Friday family photo--the other woman
Friday, June 23, 2017
Health care costs soared under ACA
But then, the intention was never to reduced costs. It's always been about forcing us into single payer.
DeVine wants you to HuntRepubicans
This week the most popular article (164) was about that crazy Democrat, James DeVine, who urged his party to hunt down more Republicans after the Scalise shooting. But that was probably just hits on the topic, not actual stop and read. The left is demanding that NRA comment on that terrible tragedy where someone with a concealed carry permit was shot by a policeman, but where is the DNC disavowing a call to kill Republicans? I guess that shows the power of negative news--ropes people in.
Blogging is not the social media darling it was a decade ago, but I find it useful to look things up I was thinking 10-15 years ago. I particularly enjoy my Monday Memories, Thursday Thirteen and Friday Family photos. Yesterday I tried to view my blogs about our 2015 trip to Spain, but see I haven't written them. I have over 500 photos in the file!
Democrat party values
The Democrats' idea of helping the poor is to take as much from you in the form of taxes--income, excise, death, phone, gasoline, sales, pass through (in over under around and through), VAT, etc. then pass it back to you in grants to your states, your educational institutions, your non-profits, your interstates, your transportation bailouts and subsidies, even your churches, all with handsome salaries along the way.
The #1 way to reduce childhood poverty in the U.S.A. is marriage, and not the reinvented kind. With married parents, a child has only about 8% chance of being raised in poverty. A better house, or a better education doesn't do it. Lunch programs from USDA distributed by church volunteers doesn't make a dent. Social justice workshops and summits at your church don't either, except maybe to tamp down a little liberal guilt if the Bible falls open to Matthew 25. You can address guns, cuts in food stamps for illegals, hunger, obesity or education. Where is your concern about marriage, the number one solution?
Paglia on transgenderism and Democrats
Camille Paglia: "Some background is necessary. First of all, I must make my political affiliations crystal clear. I am a registered Democrat who voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 primary and for Jill Stein in the general election. Since last Fall, I've had my eye on Kamala Harris, the new senator from California, and I hope to vote for her in the next presidential primary. . .
After Trump's victory (for which there were abundant signs in the preceding months), both the Democratic party and the big-city media urgently needed to do a scathingly honest self-analysis, because the election results plainly demonstrated that Trump was speaking to vital concerns (jobs, immigration, and terrorism among them) for which the Democrats had few concrete solutions. Indeed, throughout the campaign, too many leading Democratic politicians were preoccupied with domestic issues and acted strangely uninterested in international affairs. Among the electorate, the most fervid Hillary acolytes (especially young and middle-aged women and assorted show biz celebs) seemed obtusely indifferent to her tepid performance as Secretary of State, during which she doggedly piled up air miles while accomplishing virtually nothing except the destabilization of North Africa. . . .
In summary: to have any hope of retaking the White House, Democrats must get off their high horse, lose the rabid rhetoric, and reorient themselves toward practical reality and the free country they are damned lucky to live in.
Now whiteness has to be the base of policy
Most poor people are white, and Asians are a wealthier, better educated and more motivated group than any of them. But never mind the facts, just vote for the Democrat.
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Painting the deck
Little lambAll the color "trends" are planed by decorators to see paints, furniture, accessories.
Vanilla milkshake
Fall chill
Dusky dawn
Crushed silk
Pristine petal
Cappucino bombe
Hitching post
Coffee kiss
Welcome home
Applesauce cake
Cumberland fog
Grape haze
Positively purple
Crushed tomatoes
Oh say, can you see, by the dawn's early light
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Wednesday night picnic at Lakeside
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Our Lakeside neighbors, Arlene and Roger |
Marcia from Toledo ate with us |
The kids love the hoola hoop games after eating |
Black-ish is just Jim Crow-ish in white face
Jon Ossoff and Karen Handel
Just what do liberal candidates have to offer the working class voter? More government transfers? Take away their health insurance, doctor and network? Destroy the base of whatever industry they work in because it's not sustainable enough? Keep them away from school choice so their kids have to stay in failing public schools? Bring in more immigrants to compete with them for jobs? Ridicule their Catholic beliefs?
Just wondering. Other than calling deplorables names, just what are the liberal policies?
And just look at the sad angry faces of the media last night.
" Just two weeks ago, an Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll had Ossoff up by 7 points, and he lost by about 5. Either the vote swung against him by 12 points in two weeks, or else polls are now the only section of the newspaper less reliable than the Horoscope column." Huckabee
Why do we tax payers need to support Planned Parenthood laundering money through campaigns for Democrats who can then vote to give the baby killer more money?
Update: Wall St. Journal
Our trip to Scotland--making new friends, June 2017
Glengoyne Distillery tour |
At the pub Clachan in Dornie near Eilean Donan Castle |
Norma and Bob at Eilean Donan Castle |
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Dinner at Dundee Doubletree Hilton |
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Pat in Edinburgh |
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Stacey, Deanne, Veronique |
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Eric and Rowena at Edinburgh Castle |
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Roger getting ice cream |
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Emily, Kelly and Stacey at the Pub |
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Getting golf instructions at St. Andrews |
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St. Andrews walk with Stacey, me waving, Rowena, Pat, Kelly, Emily, and Deanne Bonnie and Brian St. Andrews Cathedral ruins |
The grief of the Warmbier family
We're here on the longest day of the year
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This is June 22 sunrise |
The sun popped up very quickly and then went behind a few clouds and I continued on my way, greeting the dog walkers who are always out that time of day. I decided to look up Ms. Bichsel, assuming I would find a long and useful life with many great grandchildren remembering her fondly. Years ago I blogged about some of the memorials, taking a notebook with me to jot down the names. It's not easy for me to remember names, numbers or events, so I continued saying her name for the next mile I walked until I got to our cottage, poured myself a cup of coffee, and opened the computer. Not what I had imagined. I did find two Katherine Bichsels who matched my idea, but that was not to be. This young Lakesider was only 20.
"BICHSEL Katherine Alice "Katie" Bichsel, age 20, of Bexley, died suddenly and unexpectedly Friday, November 7, 2008 in Burlington, Vermont. Katie was born in Cincinnati, OH on July 8, 1988 the oldest daughter of Vivian (Duff) and David Garver Bichsel. Katie graduated summa cum laude from Bexley High School in 2006. She attended the University of Vermont, majoring in Environmental Sciences. Her passions were many and included snowboarding, hiking, WWII history, music, protecting the planet and above all "hanging out" with her many friends. Katie is survived by her parents, Dr. David and Vivian Bichsel; her sisters, Sarah Bichsel and Emily Bichsel; her grandparents, Flora Duff, and The Rev. Dr. Dale and Josephine Bichsel; and a large loving extended family." - See more at: parents are cottage owners here at Lakeside according to our directory, and I know from my own experience they will always miss their child and grieve for what might have been, but I appreciate their sharing her with us in such a beautiful way.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
What did Obama do?
Crazy Democrat DeVine
He insists he doesn't condone violence. Doesn't own a gun, and based on current background checks he probably wouldn't be allowed to.