Wednesday, October 05, 2005

1593 Oh, that Mr. White

For some reason I didn't know that the White in "Strunk and White" was the writer of Charlotte's Webb.

"E.B. White, the author of the children's books "Charlotte's Web" and "Stuart Little," published "Elements of Style" in 1959 as an edited and expanded version of the handbook written by his English professor, William Strunk. With its classic commandments such as "Omit needless words" and "Keep related words together," "Elements" (now in its fourth edition) has been praised by the New York Times as "as timeless as a book can be in our age of volubility." " Nathan Bierma, in this week's Chicago Tribune's On Language, in which he reviews the latest edition.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

This is what I think of as "useless bits of information" or UBIs -- they are too many of them stored in my brain, but I think I can make room for this one too. I just won't remember the weather report for today :)