Sunday, January 06, 2008


If there's a buzz word going around these days (since Iowa), it is charisma. I've been told I'm smart, tenacious, dogged, resilient, funny, flirtatious, critical, boring, opinionated, analytic, practical and prophetic, but not charismatic. It's one of those qualities which you know when you see or hear it--you can't learn it, buy it, or bottle it. These folks walk in a room and it just lights up. You either have it or you don't. You have charismatic people in your organization or work place, don't you? They are quite visible--sometimes because they have been promoted beyond their ability level. They pep-talk the people around them do the work, which they willingly do. Hey! Even the entry level is often beyond their ability level, but they've just got that something special that attracts people.

So last night I was watching some talking heads--think it was Fox. They were all just gushing about Obama and his charisma. One fellow compared his to the appeal of Bill Clinton. Then he observed that when Bill was on stage with Hillary, while he was talking the room was just charged. And then she took over, and the room went flat. He said you could feel it. I believe.

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