Will you see your pet in heaven?

This is a great concern to many people, particularly the elderly who have been cared for and comforted by the companionship of a cat or dog or bird or other animal. Often it is the act of caring for and protecting the animal that helps the human. Our kitty brings us a lot of enjoyment, but she also brings out the best of our caring instincts and behaviors. Sometimes we just chuckle watching her sleep--the picture of absolute relaxation and not a care in the world. This is
one of the better answers I've seen for this question.
The photo of the 3-legged shepherd mix and the mutt cat was found at
Dog Friendly.com Somebody loves them a lot and I'm betting the animals return the favor.
God created all creatures and I am sure He has a place for each of us. We will know for sure on the day we die. Thanks for sharing.
Ah, yes, Norma. We Mormons believe that the life force within living things is eternal...and every cat, fox, and elephant, every flower, tree and blade of grass...was included in the Atonement, and, as we have always existed, will continue to exist, every last one of us.
BTW, are you still considering putting together some of your stuff into books? I am working on another one. It's great fun, doesn't require a lot of courage, and when you're done, you have something good to show for it-- without all the hassle of query letters, agents, waiting, and waiting, and waiting while somebody in charge decides thumbs up or thumbs down on your stuff. You probably won't make much money, but few do. And your friends and family will cherish it!
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