Monday, January 14, 2008

The job hunt

Matthew, the Well-dressed Librarian has landed a job, and posted some great advice on December 11. He's gay, fashionable, bright and witty, but because I worked a temp job in the employment field in the 80s, and interviewed more librarian candidates than I can remember in my last job, I can testify that he is absolutely on target. Good manners and good taste will help in all fields, so it won't matter if you're looking in another area.


Anonymous said...

I've checked in on the other 'Matthew' librarian from time to time and I am delighted he found a position he will enjoy so much.

All of his advice is right on target. Often there is quite a bit of leeway when hiring and making the job description match the candidate. I'm much more likely to hire an attentive, engaged person who only partially matches my needs than a dullard who matches all of my needs.

If the other Matthew sees this and decides to leave the museum library I'd be delighted to see his CV. I am a straight Republican, but I've no problem working with gay Democrats (too many Republicans in one place makes me itchy), heck I did that for a year and a half since I started at my current place of employment. His skills don't exactly match my needs, but if he follows his own advice the interview will be astounding and I'll certainly make an offer.

WDL said...

i'm flattered! this is my dream job, and will take an act of G-d to separate me from it.

Just out of curiosity, where does this Republican Librarian hail from?