Monday, March 03, 2008

Texas and Ohio, Clinton and Obama

I just shake my head in disbelief when I see these ads. I finally told my husband he had to hit the mute button. I couldn't stand it. Why is it the President's responsibility to improve Ohio's economy? Especially when many of our jobs aren't going to China or Mexico (as the ads imply), but just going to other states? In defense of our new Democratic governor, 'taint his fault either--he hasn't been around long enough to screw things up (a former Methodist minister with a good heart and pious thoughts). But we have many large and medium sized cities in Ohio--all controlled by Democrats--Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati, to name just three, with Akron, Youngstown, Dayton and Toledo following along. To watch the Hillobama ads, you'd think the steel mills closed under Bush! Here's some details from today's WSJ:
    "Ohio Governor Ted Strickland, a Democrat who supports Mrs. Clinton, blames his state's problems on President Bush. But Ohio's economy has been struggling for years, and most of its wounds are self-inflicted. Ohio now ranks 47th out of 50 in economic competitiveness, according to the American Legislative Exchange Council. Ohio politicians deplore plant closings even as they impose the third highest corporate income tax in the country (10.5%) and the sixth highest personal income tax (8.87%). A common joke is that Ohio lays out the red carpet for companies -- when they leave the state. By contrast, Texas has no income tax, a huge competitive advantage."
What do Obama and Clinton both suggest? More taxes on the rich, the source of investment, and on business. Way to go, guys. Hit us again! But Democrats fall for that every time. Every time. If the economy sucks, tax it. If it's in the death throes, tax it. If businesses are fleeing, tax them. Make it totally impossible--turn them all into lil' New Orleans helpless in the face of the winds of change and the rising tides of helplessness.

The article hints at, but doesn't nail down the problem. Unions. Stikes have killed small towns in Illinois, and big cities in Ohio. The guys at the top just move on; the little guys and the service industries and small businesses that grew up around the industry that the unions killed just have to suffer and look for hand-outs from Washington.
    "Ohio's most crippling handicap may be that its politicians -- and thus its employers -- are still in the grip of such industrial unions as the United Auto Workers. Ohio is a "closed shop" state, which means workers can be forced to join a union whether they wish to or not. Many companies -- especially foreign-owned -- say they will not even consider such locations for new sites. States with "right to work" laws that make union organizing more difficult had twice the job growth of Ohio and other forced union states from 1995-2005, according to the National Institute for Labor Relations."
Hillobama rides into town on the white horse ass and the crowds part and faint and think someone will rescue them. But after they grab the vote, they'll be gone and the plants will still be closed. Short of throwing the remote at the TV, what's a voter to do?


Anonymous said...

The mayor of Toledo is such a lunatic I am turned off on Ohio completely. I know that there are very nice places in Ohio that I've visited as a kid 20 or 30 years ago.

However Finkbeiner is a laughingstock, and the citizens of Toledo put that pinhead back in office after they got rid of him. If anyone needs to be tossed out of office it is he. When Toledo residents get some guts and elect someone who is not crazy I'll consider going back to Ohio for a visit.

I know there are bright, moral, conservatives in Ohio, I'm related to some of them.

Anonymous said...

"what's a voter to do"? Well, they have to unite and either revolt or come up with a strong Independent candidate to rid themselves of the two party system. The two party system owes too many favors to be effective and has brought this great country to it's knees. Their strength is provided by special interest groups. Why the people of this country can't seem to address this is beyond me. Hillary for president is a classic example of how sick this country has become!