Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Doesn't look like America

On C-SPAN this morning there was a droning, boring press conference with Sean McCormack of the State Department (yesterday). It followed the usual format: the reporter jams as much information into the question, including long quotes from government documents, as he can, then twists it to try to catch the administration official, knowing it won't be answered. Then the spokesman says something to the effect, "I can't speak to that," or "I'll have to check on that and get back to you," or "As you well know, the Congress blah, blah,. . ."

The final question was on diversity in the State Department--and why doesn't it look more like America, and could he supply specific numbers. He agreed; it doesn't look like America, despite goals and plans, and that he would look into the rules and regulations about which department has those figures.

The camera angle/view then moved back as the event ended and the press corp stood up to leave the room (before this I hadn't seen how many people were in the room, but the spokesman knew them all by name). Interestingly, that group didn't look like America either. I think I saw two women (although with clothing styles, it is hard to tell), and maybe two people of color, one of whom was foreign (from the accent). Pot to Kettle.

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