Friday, October 02, 2009

Letterman's liaisons with staff revealed

Nothing will happen to Letterman, but the extortionist (also CBS employee) will probably go to jail. Letterman will continue in his job as late night molder of the culture and character of Americans with off color jokes and hypocrisy.

Update: This story in WaPo contains zero editorializing--something I've never seen in their reporting.


mdoneil said...

I thought you were not supposed to have sex with those you supervise.

I also thought you were not supposed to cheat on your spouse.

I guess I was wrong.

Marfis said...

Point of information for Mdoneil: Letterman wasn't married when the relationship in question happened.

Norma said...

Point of information for Marfis. The long term relationship during which they had a child now 6 years old, probably matters to his wife, if not to you. Also, who knows if he stopped cheating on the girlfriend/S.O. after marriage? I doubt there is a statute of limitations on that sexual harassment law, and consensual doesn't matter one bit. CBS will undoubtedly be sued for not protecting some helpless fragile female employee who just couldn't resist his charms.

Anonymous said...

The guy arrested in the Erin Andrews videos is called “A creepy voyeur” by the media, but Letterman’s audience just yuks it up, and eats it up--the vomit, that is.

Marfis said...

You are correct: It doesn't matter to me. It's his business and his wife's, and the women's if they choose to complain, which none have done to date. Their private lives with which to deal.

If Letterman is a "molder of the culture and character of Americans," he is not a legislator or an enforcement officer, obligating obedience. He is an entertainer.