A friend at the coffee shop alerted me that Glenn Beck would be covering the Federal Reserve on his program tonight. So I guess that means we'll be late for our Friday night date. Even if you can't stand him, this would be a good thing for you to know. The Federal Reserve is not a government agency, but a private for profit bank. The Federal government only recommends the chairman--and that's Ben Bernanke, who seems to have more power than Barack Obama and also served "under" George W. Bush.
- "On Friday 2011 March 25, the entire Glenn Beck show will be devoted to an exposé of the Federal Reserve. I was invited to be a guest on the program and, when it was taped last Tuesday, I was amazed to find that Beck, not only has read the book but praised it highly. In fact, almost his entire opening monologue was based on the information and, in some cases, the very same phrases used in the book and in my lectures. I was delighted to know that someone, either Beck or his researchers, had spent a great deal of time studying The Creature from Jekyll Island. But what is even more encouraging is that several million viewers will be exposed to an hour of economic and monetary truth. This will bring us a giant step closer to actually slaying the Creature." G. Edward Griffin
Murray sez:
It was a very informative history of the Federal Reserve that EVERY American citizen should have watched. That's the thing about watching Glenn Beck. His programs often contain history lessons. So as Norma says, wether you like him or not you can at least learn something about our great country. However, if you have a weak stomach, your probably better off watching the "cleansed" MSM news instead. Of course that would mean you'll remain in the dark about the many ugly things that are helping to destroy our great country on a daily basis.
There is established in the Federal Reserve System, an independent bureau to be known as the ‘Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection,’ which shall regulate the offering and provision of consumer financial products or services under the Federal consumer financial laws.” (Dodd-Frank Act § 1011(a)) Watch out for czarina Elizabeth Warren, the bureau's director will set her own budget under the law, with the amount capped at 10% of "the combined earnings of the Federal Reserve System" in fiscal 2011. The Fed must transfer those funds without question to the bureau, which Ms. Warren's written testimony estimates at "approximately $404 million."
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