Monday, March 14, 2011

Deconstructing Obama by Jack Cashill

I was in the public library the other day, which has a real struggle purchasing both politically conservative and Christian conservative titles, and was shocked to see Jack Cashill's book, "Deconstructing Obama." It was actually displayed, not just shelved with new books [I've since checked the catalog and it has one copy for 3 locations compared to about 15 of Woodward's Bush title when it was current]. I debated whether to check it out. I really didn't want to read a confirmation of why I don't like the man. I opened it, and found it extremely readable. Also, I'd just come from a lecture that "deconstructed" the history of women in art, so I thought, why not? Let's see if they can take it as well as dish it out.

Cashill's interview on C-SPAN, Feb. 17, 2011, in Kansas City.

"Jack Cashill questions whether President Obama wrote his memoir, Dreams from My Father. Mr. Cashill argues that Barack Obama was assisted in the writing of his 1995 memoir by Bill Ayers and contends that the president's life story is different than the one presented in his biography. Jack Cashill presented his argument at the Kansas City Public Library in Kansas City, Missouri."

If you don't have time for the book, here's the article.

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