Saturday, March 12, 2011

Way beyond pot and kettle

This is a Communist tool accusing patriotic, elected Americans of being tools of the capitalists. Hello! The unions tried but failed to destroy capitalism, so they've gone after our government--at all levels, including the teachers who control our children.

“After the events of last night, I should say this is an absolute corruption of democracy,” said Trumka, who was the keynote speaker at liberal summit in Washington, D.C. “Last night, Scott Walker and his Republican tools in Wisconsin showed just how far they’re willing to go to pay back their corporate sponsors.”

The day-long Summit on Jobs & America’s Future featured several panels with high-profile names, such as former White House adviser [and avowed Communist] Van Jones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
How many times do we have to witness the Pot & Kettle tactics by the Liberals/Progressives before the masses all get it?