Saturday, March 12, 2011

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: What fools we are to think we can tame the wrath of nature | Mail Online

"We're just ants with cars." That about sums it up. And we continue to believe we're in charge--not only in charge, but that mankind is the problem in nature. Now that's really self-centered.

"But if all our collective scientific and technological brilliance served one purpose yesterday, it was to show us what a tsunami really looks like. Here was the first all-conquering intercontinental aquatic bulldozer ever seen live and in daylight. And it has served as a brutal lesson that, in the scheme of things, homo sapiens is not so sapiens after all. We are just ants with cars."

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: What fools we are to think we can tame the wrath of nature | Mail Online

1 comment:

Right Truth said...

I see we are on the same wavelength today. Some people think way too much of themselves, like they are God. God himself is in charge and events of the past two days prove this. We are powerless.

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Right Truth