Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mychal Massie debates absent liberals--Sharpton, Fauntroy and Morial

". . . before throwing more stones at the tea party for reported incivility — tea party critics should take a look at organized labor’s rallies in places such as Madison, Wisconsin and Columbus, Ohio and how protesters there are behaving in ways oftentimes worse than alleged about tea partiers."

Addressing Mr. Morial: “Why is it when you speak of bamboozled, at the end of the Civil Rights era — which I and others argue was 1964 — when over 80 percent of black homes were two parent households, 40 percent were business owners. Today we have uncontrolled abortion, uncontrolled crime, uncontrolled drop outs, no marketable education skills, no marketable employment skills, no marketable linguistic skills, no marketable social skills. Who’s been bamboozled? Who’s been conned?”

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Finally, someone has actually reported the real reason there are few blacks in the Tea Party. They just don't care to join! Now the question should come? (heh,heh,heh)