Friday, October 08, 2004

519 Boys are fragile

About 125 boys are conceived for every 100 girls, and by birth there are about 106 males to 100 females, at least in the United States, and that figure differs by ethnic group, with black males being more fragile than white males. Because boys are more susceptible to childhood diseases and are more likely to be involved in accidents or violence, the ratio is about even by the teen years. Into adulthood, women steadily outpace the men in longevity. So, apparently, men needed that head start at conception. A new study in Italy shows that there is a premium time of the year for the conception of males--apparently the cooler months. There is also some concern that the birth ratio is changing with fewer boys being born, but no one knows why.

In many developing countries like India and China, boys are valued more than girls, and now with sex selection possible before birth, more girls than boys are being aborted. By the age of marriage, this is creating terrible social problems, with not enough women available. This doesn't improve choices for women--it makes them more susceptible to kidnapping, rape and violence.


Twylah said...

I think I'll start praying that my sons find good wives. Hopefully, I have lots of time (my boys are 11 and 9)! Thanks and have a great weekend.

Norma said...

Thanks Twylah. I've added you to my blogroll here and over at Love your site.

Brenda said...

Twyla, it is never too early to start praying for your son's and their future wife. I started praying for my two sons when they were 9 and 10. Both are married now and between them we have three wonderful grandchildren. I would encourage you to pray specifics; you know your sons best and what their personalities are and the type of godly women they will need to bring out their potential as well as what will be a balance in their lives.