Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Is there a hole in the bucket for Obama water carriers?

What is going on? Tonight on NBC news I heard a negative report on President Obama! They actually doubt his staff that this bus tour isn't part of his campaign. Wow! Followed that with news about food inflation, caused in part by bio-fuels (aka green, or alternative energy sources).

And in a lecture today where the presenter had Obama's inaugural address on the screen and we were looking at Biblical references, a man actually said that reading the content of the speech was enlightening especially since things were so much worse today than when he took office. In Lakeside he said this. I was stunned (it's a pretty liberal place). Of course, the retired Presbyterian pastor sitting behind me, disagreed. He thought things were better. I wonder what--another war front? Inflation? The national debt? A floundering Congress? The stock market? Pretending he's not campaigning?

I guess everyone sees what they want to see, including me. Maybe I imagined that NBC story. And maybe the guy who spoke up was on the far left and thought Obama had disappointed his supporters.

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