Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Stop the Iran deal

Barack Obama has negotiated a deal with the leader of Iran who calls the U.S. "The Great Satan" and who swears Israel won't exist in 25 years. Obama has had to drag his own party kicking and screaming, with no votes from Republicans, and over 70% of the country against it. He calls it a victory. I'd hate to see a defeat.


Anonymous said...

Have you really read any of the points of the agreement?? And if the agreement fails do you know that the sanctions are off anyway, the country of Iran will have financial support from many other European and other world powers? And their bomb building will be quicker than ever. The other countries will NOT negotiate again because they have done their due diligence.

Coli Powell is for it, Dick Lugar is for it, a large group of Nobel Prize winners from the scientific community are for it. But Norma is against it. Glad your little voice is just that.....

Do you know that Iran increased the number of centrifuges from 160 in 2002 to over 5,000 by 2009 under sanctions? Do you know they continued to increase the number of centrifuges to a current number of 19,000 under sanctions? Do you know they will be giving up the majority of those centrifuges under the agreement and their estimated time to a bomb will go from the current 3 mos to 1 year.

Norma said...

Even members of Congress haven't seen the whole deal; why would I have seen it. I just wouldn't cozy up to a guy who calls me the Great Satan and wants to wipe Israel off the map. Why do you? I'm with the 70%, so why does your little voice matter more than mine and the rest of the U.S.?

Anonymous said...

I don't believe it's 70%. I believe the experts. And the deal is available for congress to read, they just need to go into a library space and read it. Some have!!

Norma said...

There are side deals, even Congress hasn't read. As usual, we're reading different "authoritative" sources. You the ones that want to destroy the U.S. and me the patriot sources. Truth may be somewhere in the middle, but your side is winning the culture wars, the economic wars, the religion wars, the e-mail and social media wars, so I'll go with my team. Meanwhile the Daily Beast, a far left source with no love for conservatism, has reported Obama has been cooking the books on ISIS.