One of the issues of the Bundy stand off and occupation of a federal wildlife preserve is the excessive sentences for violating BLM policies. "Dwight and Steven Hammond originally received three month and one year sentences, respectively, for setting fires that spread to federal land in 2001 and 2006. However, the 9th United States Circuit Court of Appeals resentenced the father and son in October and said they have to serve out a five-year sentence mandated under the Antiter
rorism and Effective Death Penalty Act, the law under which they were sentenced." Is this normal for another court to resentence someone, especially since the fires were on their land and spread? The federal government has problems with that all the time--their fires spread, and they don't go to jail. Sixty eight percent of the judges on the 9th circuit were appointed by Democrats, and it is notoriously liberal.
Who owns the land?
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