Sunday, March 14, 2021

The failed lockdown policy

Our governors imposed draconian measures to control the Corona virus. The people meekly obeyed as though they didn't have a Constitution to protect them. Our rates of restricted movement and mask wearing are just as good as other developed countries. Yet still over 500,000 have died, and our "leaders" just call for more of the same, with more damaging health and mental welfare outcomes. Even the new "president" claims he has no ideas for how to stem the spread (which disappeared after the election) and has moved the target for backyard get togethers to July 4. Minorities and the elderly, whom Democrats claimed to care about, are suffering the most. Lockdowns have never been recommended before, even for those pandemics with higher death rates, like the Asian Flu in 1957 which I survived.

Where is the American spirit of 1776? Haters of America claim our country was built on slavery in 1619. Don't prove them right by being slaves to power hungry politicians.

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