Thursday, March 31, 2022

Bless their hearts, they care. . .

Isn't it wonderful that leftist academics want to save us from "doom scrolling" when they are the ones who elected the current deadbeat in the White House, who thought Trump was terrible for talking to the president of Ukraine who is now fighting for his life, who refused to listen to the well researched information about Hunter Biden being on the payroll of the CCP and Ukrainian Oligarchs, who just loved working from home when little kids were being masked and forced to loose 2 years of schooling. It's just so sweet of them to be concerned about our foul mood now that Biden has been proven even to die hard greengoes that he's a disaster. Well, thanks for nothing! I tried to go to the original publication, but is was so littered with trans, BLM and covid articles, I had to stop doom scrolling.
"Doomscrolling can promote feelings of anxiety and depression. For example, consider how sad and exhausted you may feel when watching a drama with tragic events and sad music in the background. In contrast, if you watch a funny film or romantic comedy with lively music, you may feel upbeat and energised. This is due to two psychological phenomena: “mood induction” (an intervention that can change our mood) and empathy.

Serotonin is an important brain chemical for regulating mood, and it can drop when we are chronically stressed or saddened by bad news for extended periods of time. Studies show that it is even possible to exacerbate the effects of reducing serotonin in healthy people through mood induction by playing sad music. Pharmacological treatments which increase serotonin are used to treat depression and anxiety.

Empathy is a good trait which helps us live successfully with others and promotes a flourishing society. However, excessive empathy, when viewing tragic world events on the news, may lead to ruminating on negative thoughts, which have an impact on our mental health and wellbeing. Constantly thinking negative thoughts can lead to depression or anxiety."

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