Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Short comings of the pharmaceutical industry

"Since the beginning of COVID-19, we can list the following methods of information manipulation which have been used: falsified clinical trials and inaccessible data; fake or conflict-of-interest studies; concealment of vaccines' short-term side effects and total lack of knowledge of the long-term effects of COVID-19 vaccination; doubtful composition of vaccines; inadequate testing methods; governments and international organizations under conflicts of interest; bribed physicians; the denigration of renowned scientists; the banning of all alternative effective treatments; unscientific and liberticidal social methods; government use of behavior modification and social engineering techniques to impose confinements, masks, and vaccine acceptance; scientific censorship by the media."  The pharmaceutical industry is dangerous to health. Further proof with COVID-19 - PubMed (

The article is full text free. This is from the abstract. But even if you're crazy about Moderna or Pfizer, even if you've faithfully had all the boosters and you loved Dr. Fauci, you can't deny these statements. All have been reported even in the media I don't trust.

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