Monday, October 03, 2005

1580 White Guilt

Blogger Oh Snap apologizes for a heavy post, but I think she’s needed on the team to rebuild New Orleans’ schools. She really, really wants to be a teacher but is finding the program a bit, um, harmful for children and teachers. She’s student teaching and for some odd reason, seems to be (in my opinion) a lot smarter than her co-workers and professors. She sees students setting the agenda, and progressive ideas holding students back with low expectations. I hope she makes it to the end of the term without bailing. The negative effects of white guilt have been known a long time, and I'm surprised no one but student teachers notice how damaging it is to the people they want to help.

“Someone with white guilt decides that she will go out and, in some small way, correct the wrongs done by her forefathers, and thus be able to live with herself. It is a daunting and burdensome task. And it is incredibly destructive for all those people she intends to help. This is why: everyone with whom she interacts, particularly African-Americans, becomes a living embodiment of the tragic past. This student standing in front of her represents "the African-American person" and she, "the white person." She is constantly anxious not to oppress this young man, this race of people. She walks on eggshells, always on edge. She goes out of her way to be friendly, ingratiating. She doesn't want to do anything to upset him, to repeat past wrongs. Consequently, she can ask nothing of the student. She makes excuses when he breaks the rules, when he forgets to do his homework, when he arrives an hour late, when he swears, when he acts immaturely, meanly, or inappropriately. She doesn't ascribe these negative behaviors as those of a child who needs guidance, but those of an oppressed minority who needs power. So she gives him more, and, being a child, he wastes it. She makes excuses, blames herself, gives him more, and round and round we go."

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