Friday, February 10, 2006

2144 Long ago and far away

when I worked for the Ohio Department of Aging (1982) I learned that the AARP is really a front for insurance, not a lobby group for the retired. They aren't really representing anyone, 55+ or even liberals, although the organization does lean to the left on political and social issues.

There is an organization for conservative retirees, however, called Sixty Plus Association, and Pat Boone, yes, old love letters in the sand, is one of their representatives. I remember attending one of his shows at Lakeside--a few years before he did that black leather and jewelry routine, which I think he grew out of (or it was all a joke). His voice was unbelieveable.

60+ seems to be against the "Death Tax." "Make no mistake, repeal of the death tax is not, I repeat, not a tax cut for the “wealthiest of the wealthy” as Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) describes it, or as her husband called it, a “windfall for the wealthy.” Both Clintons know their position is a con job of the first order. Both know the “wealthiest of the wealthy” don’t pay this confiscatory tax. Either that or they’re both stupid." Abolish death tax

Yes, this is true. Whenever you hear liberals whining that the rich aren't paying their share, but they will if we just increase taxes (like Friedman talking about raising gasoline taxes to reduce driving, which would probably hurt the poor the most), they ignore that the very wealthy can hire legions of accountants to protect them with all the loopholes Congress writes into the tax law, loopholes none of the the rest of us can qualify for or afford accountants and lawyers to interpret.

For all I know, 60+ Association might be selling something just like AARP. But keep your eye on them. Afterall, do you want the federal government or your grandchildren to get the results of your labor? A bridge to nowhere in Alaska, or a little nest egg for their college?


ljmcinnis said...

You are so right about ARRP. They are an abomination acting for their own self interests but CLAIMING they represent the best interest of seniors. They also are the largest PAC in America. There are alternatives to their socialistic paternalistic, pandering agenda here .

ljmcinnis said...

Sorry, the name of that organization is USA Next. Art Linkletter is the spokesperson and hard working advocate.