Tuesday, February 14, 2006

2164 In first light

I've suggested before that I just drag the box out from under the bed, and we start reusing old Valentine, St. Patrick's and birthday cards, and after spending a lot of time at the card counter, he's decided it is time. "They are all so huge, or they are terribly mushy," he reported. He commented that he's never seen me "in first light" because I get up so much earlier than he does. We may not see each other until about 11 a.m. some days because I go to the coffee shop early and when I get home, he's off leading an exercise class for 15 sweaty women.

However, the ring is really nice and I love it. Blue sapphires and little diamonds.

1 comment:

Norma said...

The big daddy of the hunk peeking from the lower left.