Tuesday, February 21, 2006


This morning I was reading a woman's account of bullying--it had happened to her throughout her grade school years in the late 1960s and 1970s. She says she was fat and grouped with the slow kids. Pretty painful reading. Even those of us who weren't bullied remember how awful the other kids could be--especially the girls. Sorry, but I didn't note the blog name, or I'd refer you to it. You hear a lot about it these days.

There's a pretty, plump girl about 10 or 11 who sits near me at the coffee shop. As her mother was picking up their order this morning I said to her, "I was reading an article about bullying in schools. Do you think that's a problem at your school?"

She thought for a moment. "No."

"Would the teachers stop it, do you think, or are there just really nice kids there?" I asked, although I wasn't sure she knew the meaning of the word I was using.

"Everyone's really nice at my school," she replied.

"What school do you attend?"

"Winterset" (Columbus Public Schools, northwest suburbs).

"I think my husband may have been an architect for that school."

"Cool," she said.

What's the story on bullying? Overblown by the media? It's always been a part of the pecking order of schools? Every kid thinks everyone else is more popular?

1 comment:

Renee Nefe said...

I don't know a whole lot on bullying in schools, but I do see some in our homeschooling group. It's just one family where the boys do it, the rest of us pretty much try to avoid them...hoping they'll get the message. Although I did tell the older boy that if I saw him throwing an ice ball at my kid he was going to regret it.

About your comment if my cousin reads my blog. I haven't told my family about my blog...so he would have to just stumble across it on his own... which I find doubtful as he's a single guy and wouldn't be interested in my mommy blog.

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