Monday, November 19, 2007


The Writers' Strike

It's hurting California's economy even if the rest of us are breathing a sigh of relief for the hurting culture. This Californian supports the strikers.

1 comment:

Major Combs said...

Norma - Thanks for linking my post. I not only support the strike, I'm will to walk the line and carry a sign. Furhter, I encourage all bloggers of good character with a heart-felt desire for the betterment of mankind to join us on the picket line. Just be sure that when you shout "Scabs" at the strike breakers who cross the line, that you do it respectfully with a smile.
Hillary, Obama, and the Breck Girl should also show solidarity and stay off television. And radio. And print.
This strike idea seems to get better and better as I think about it!