Post Thanksgiving thoughts
It's not so bad using my laptop in the kitchen--I can get up and clean a drawer or cabinet while waiting for slow pages to load.We ate leftovers with family last night, but first watched, and watched and watched (3 overtimes) the Arkansas and LSU game. The announcers even commented that Buckeyes were watching this game closely because if Arkansas won, OSU moved up. Yes. Goodness, such screaming and yelling from the men in the family. What if it had actually been the Buckeyes playing?
Although I didn't fix the turkey, I got the carcass. It's stewing on the stove right now, releasing yummy fragrance with a few onions.
We've finally had some frost--still many trees loaded with leaves, and my husband has gone to the lake to rake leaves at our summer home. Last pick up is next week. Most summer home owners close up on Labor Day and never look back until Memorial Day. The trees in Lakeside know this, so they send their leaves to our yard.
It must be very cold somewhere. Yesterday out of 100 hits, 16 were to my post on frozen car doors. I thought global warming might take care of that. Even so, there doesn't seem to be much agreement on how to take care of this problem.
Tomorrow we celebrate our son's birthday--we'll probably go to Bob Evan's after church. He and his band are working on a CD so he'll have to hurry back to his home on the east side. I'd show you a photo of the band, but everything is on the other computer which isn't working. So here's one of us from a year ago that I've already posted. I've given up on the daughter-in-law search, so if you come across that blog (I had his permission, btw), don't submit an application.

My Memory Patterns blog continues to chug along at about 80-100 page views a week. I wrote it for only one month--November 2005--matching up old photos with old sewing patterns. Seem to be a lot of people looking for apron patterns--you know, the decent coverage-size that actually give you some protection! I was never a really good seamstress like others in my family, but you don't notice you've given something up until 10 or 15 years have gone by and you realize you'll probably never again thread a bobbin, or walk through the fabric department, touching and dreaming.
I read an interesting article on pedometers this morning in a recent issue of JAMA. When I digest it, I'll blog it, but it looks like just wearing one lowers BMI and blood pressure. Apparently, you'll eat less and move more just by knowing it's there. I'll have to look for mine--like contraceptives, they don't work in the drawer do they, no matter how committed you are to the outcome. After a big week of eating seems like a good time to strap it on, don't you think? I had to push a little flesh out of the way to read the numbers.
The computer fix-it places I called, never called back. I suppose they want a holiday too. I'll have to look a bit further for someone in the data recovery business in Columbus, Ohio. Know anyone?
We've gotten our fourth edition of the Smithsonian catalog--this one has the word Christmas right on the cover.
Another broken zipper. A favorite pair of slacks that went with everything--a warm tan-beige lined 100% wool. Sigh. I blogged about a broken zipper in a pair of khakis that were about 20 years old about 2 years ago. I suspect these are at least 10-15 years old because the Talbot's tag says "Made in the USA." When was the last time you saw that on a piece of clothing?
I think I'll invest in new tires. I notice the van is slipping on wet pavement. We don't get tons of snow around here, except maybe once a season, with a humongous storm about once a decade, but the roads can get icy and slushy making traction difficult. Nothing scarier than trying to get out of the way of an on-coming car and have your tires just buzz the pavement.
My friend AZ and I have challenged each other to unclutter our personal spaces. Today while looking for the Christmas wreath to hang in the outside entry, I found an empty file box in the basement. It's already labeled correctly, "Norma's notebooks," and I have a bulging box of used notebooks in my office cabinets, so I think I'll move them into this box. Does this meet the test for de-cluttering, since I'm just moving them? We lived for 34 years in a house with no basement--since having one, I've become quite careless.
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