Thursday, September 04, 2008

Just what is a community organizer?

It got some laughs last night at the Republican Convention--that much ballyhooed resume filler. But it’s not really that funny. ACORN is no joke. Obama's job is outlined at Windy Citizen who says “community organizer” has more in common with the “brutal contact sport of Chicago politics than it does with any kind of charitable act, such as serving food to homeless people.” Saul Alinsky was the Godfather of community organizers.
    “One of the most important lessons that Alinsky taught community organizers is not to rely on high-minded ideals like "brotherly-love or "the common good" to get people to fight for particular goals. Instead, as a community organizer you are always looking for ways to appeal directly to a person's self-interest, whatever that may be. This is not to say ideals do not matter to community organizers. But at the end of the day, an ideal is only as good as what it can help you accomplish.

    So, if you are a community organizer and want to organize an area, you first try to meet with as many indigenous leaders as possible, the kinds of men and women who populate neighborhood churches and civic groups that others will listen to and naturally follow. The purpose of these one-on-one meetings is not to become their friend. You want to find out what their self-interest is so you can use it. This includes milking their personal connections to expand your base of support. As a community organizer, the sole source of your power is your relationships. And the more people you have in your pocket, the more likely it is that you can use them to get what your base wants.”

    "This is also what most coverage of Obama's days as a community organizer fails to appreciate. For whether you are an Alinksy-schooled community organizer or a Chicago politician, you are a student of power. If you have survived long enough to succeed in either position, like Obama has, you have learned not to worry so much about the power you have. What keeps you up at night is the power you do not have. In community organizing and politics, you know the only thing that can hurt you is what you cannot control.[like Gov. Palin?]" John Maki, Windy Citizen
Obama's blog is run by Sam Graham-Felsen, an avowed Marxist who writes for socialist and marxist publications, but apparently not often enough to earn a living which is why he's on Obama's payroll, blogging. Anyway, today's entry is supposed to be an answer to just what is a community organizer. David Plouffe his Campaign Manager says he helped people who were out of work. Well, gee whiz, I did that in 1983 through JTPA. I'll have to go back and look at my resume--I don't think I had any indoctrination in political theory or methods.
    "The transition of the old Democratic Party to what exists today should not surprise or confound conservatives. Nor should Alinsky's tactics seem foreign. After all, for nearly 40 years, Republicans and the conservative agenda have been getting hammered by the left through the successful use of Alinsky tactics.

    In that cause, radicals and the liberal-left gravitated toward the print and electronic media, toward the university professorate and the law. The left, consciously or unconsciously, adopted Alinsky's rules. The impact changed the nature of the Democratic Party and the direction of the United States. Increasingly, the left is succeeding in changing the nature of the Republican Party as well.

    Suffice to say the greatest change has taken place in the relationship between the state and the individual. America is rapidly descending from a representative Constitutional Republic to a collectivist empire controlled by elites of one sort or another." Saul Alinsky and DNC Corruption

Update: USAToday rushes to defend the honor of Barack Obama, who is hurt and angry that his "community organizer" position was a joke at the convention. You know folks, the Obama people started this by denigrating her position as mayor when McCain first announced his choice. As James Taranto noted: "Obama spokesman Bill Burton quickly denounced McCain for proposing to put "the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency." This took a degree of chutzpah, since the Democrats have just spent four days touting Obama's experience as a "community organizer" as a central qualification to put him no heartbeats away. Even after listening to those speeches, we're still not sure what a "community organizer" is."

If you can't stand the heat, Team Obama, stay out of this lady's kitchen.

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