Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ten Random thoughts about Aging

1) I think I'm looking pretty darn good. Got on a new dress and the hubby says "you're beautiful" (actually, he tells me that every day no matter what I'm wearing). Then I look around the narthex at church and I'm one of two or three women under the age of 90 in a skirt.

2) I remember something in the closet that always looked good. It was fun to wear. Full of cats (not just cat hair). I pull it out. I started the mental adding machine. Hmmm. Probably bought it in 1995 or 1996, but I have an old photo and it might be even worse than that.

3) To go with that cat vest, I decide on brown jeans. They fit before Palm Sunday, just two weeks ago. But I had a lot of pizza Friday night, and a Philly cheese Saturday night, and now the zipper will barely function. Must be the salt. Couldn't be the calories, right?

4) I've got a new hi-tech thingy I thought I just had to have. It's been sitting on the desk since early February, and I've yet to download (upload?) the guts to make it work. It doesn't help that instructions are on-line instead of in the box where they should be.

5) I got a new version of genealogy software for Christmas. No matter what, I can't get it to print the wonderful lists I used to make with the old version, but it sure will wrap fancy frames around photographs.

6) On our trip last week we found out about a new baby niece no one had told us about. My software can't begin to explain this one. What do you do when it's not even a "significant other" but the mother is still around--some place.

7) Has this ever happened to you? You look in the mirror and find someone else's arms (legs seem to be familiar) attached to your shoulders? The last time my arms looked toned was when Nelson Jr. and I did the egg toss at the senior picnic.

8) At the 2007 Tech class reunion, we have to ask the MC to make an announcement because my husband and one of his closest friends from the 1950s didn't recognize each other so they can meet and talk about old times.

9) And I probably wouldn't know Murray, Guest Blogger of Collecting my Thoughts, if I passed him on the street. (He's the one holding the trophy.)

10) I feel a bit smug about our clean garage--not only will it take two cars, but there is room to spare. Then I take a walk in the gorgeous weather around the grounds to photograph some spring color and see that Joan and Jerry's is clean enough to put ours to shame--and they are cleaning it again! Show offs!


Anonymous said...

You look the same in that "toned" arm photo as now but what struck me most was your comment about your husband telling you always that you are beautiful. How lovely. E.

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed reading this and seeing the photos. Don

Maggie Thornton said...

Norma, I love your chatty posts. I have another friend who does the same while also doing her pithy political opinion and reporting. I need to do more of this. You are inspiring me.

Love also your photos. How organized you must be to find those fro...grade school? I also love that you like yourself. So refreshing. I think I look pretty good,too, and my husband also tells me so.

We are two lucky ladies to have wonderful husbands, good attitudes and a keen ear for the reality of life and politics.

Maggie Thornton said...

BTW, got you on my blogroll.

Norma said...

Maggie--you'd be surprised, or not maybe, how many cranky people come to my blog and tell me I must be a miserable, racist, angry person because I think Obama is a marxist, that illegals should go home, that the Congress is out of control, and I don't think children holding hands around the pyramid in Giza will do much for world peace. Go figure!

Maggie Thornton said...

Norma, I get that too - especially on immigration and Islam.

I think it means we are doing something right:-)

Anonymous said...

I agree you should do more of these,what a nice change for the dismal posting on Obama,etc...Did you get the article on toning the upper arms I sent you? I work at it daily,along with the other things I do to stay fit...but honestly,I see no change...they aren't any worse but still no better...and so it goes...after all we are close to 70!
I notice that I look so much like my son with the blue clothing and the fuller face,when he was bone thin he looked the image of his dad.
I was never called beautiful by anyone...but someone called me " a dear" and I'll settle for that..again, good piece...More... Lynne

Norma said...

I love to write the chatty pieces, but if you can spend months of your life campaigning for him, allow me to spend a few hours writing about him.

Considering how thin you are now, I was surprised by your cheeks in this photo. And are those fried potatoes in front of you? Yummy.