Saturday, April 04, 2009

About that populist anger

Wall St. Journal's Obama booster, Gerald Seib, writes yesterday (Capital Journal) about the "populist anger." That makes me so angry--it was SO ginned up, it was ridiculous. So who's responsible for getting everyone hyped about CEOs' bonuses--bonuses (millions) that were a fraction of what Obama and his buddies are stealing from us (trillions) and the future unborn Americans (assuming they can make it past the now free-wheeling, free-for-all abortionists thanks to our President). Wasn't it old Barney's threats in Congress as he grilled Liddy? Wasn't it Obama's ACORN being bussed to the suburbs to harrass law abiding people who actually work for a living?

Can the passions be cooled, Seib asks. Don't know. Can newspaper reporters' jobs be saved when they've gored the ox (advertising for business) that pay their salaries? It depends, Mr. Seib. How angry will Americans get when they wake up and see Obama's poked a hole driven a bulldozer through our dike of protections at the top--our three branches of government with distinctly different responsibilities (and he's not the first to do this, just the worst). How mad will they be if they realize over half of Congress are flunkies slurping up the pig droppings from the pork trough in Washington trying to cover their appetites by shouting "it's the bankers," "it's the Jews," "it's someone else's greed."

Seib can't figure out what happened to the steadily rising median income of the middle class after the 1980s (except for a blip under Clinton, which he happily claims). Well, let's see if I remember my history. When the Great Depression finally ended in the 1940s after the war and inspite of FDRs programming, we did have a bit of prosperity, which made liberals and conservatives feel guilty, so the wealth transfer started big time. We had LBJ's programs and Carter's programs, and the Republicans tried to play catch up every time they got in office (but Congress approves the budget and Democrats controlled that until 1995). All the major cities with the poorest people are controlled by Democrats, from bottom to top. No one was a bigger spender on social programs (until January 2009) than Bush II.

But all you have to do is look at the wealthiest, most successful, most entrepreneurial and smallest demographic group--the Asian Americans--to see what happened in the last 20 years, and why the middle class is struggling to keep what it earns.
    The government provides resources to households through cash and noncash transfer programs. These programs may be open to all or limited to those with incomes below set amounts. Holding other income
    components constant, transfers from the Social Security Administration, Veterans Administration, and state governments increase household income. Payroll, state, and federal tax liabilities reduce household income. Certain tax credits, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Additional Child Tax Credit, are refundable and may
    increase household income. U.S. Census
And we have an awful lot of Americans who never pay any federal income tax (although they do pay exorbitant special interest taxes, like the recently raised poor tax called cigarette taxes). Here again, Asian non tax payers do not reflect their proportion of the population because, well, who knows? Pride? Ambition? Family values? Marriage? Flight from Communism?
    "White Americans are 83 percent of total taxpayers, and the percentage of zero-tax filers who are white is 79 percent. African Americans are roughly 13 percent of total taxpayers and 17 percent of zero-tax filers. Asian Americans comprise 3.6 percent of total taxpayers and 3.4 percent of zero-tax filers." Tax Foundation figures for 2004
Of all the groups, Asian Americans lost the most by readjusting their income downward through wealth transfer to the poorer whites, blacks and Hispanics. And so it is with all who will try to succeed under socialism, Mr. Seib. The Asians are just the canary.

Populism? Mr. Seib should probably be putting out feelers for a job if he reads the tea leaves.


MAS1916 said...

America's economic aptitude will be sorely tested in 2010.

Obama's outrageous spending will drive inflation to double digits, since he cannot borrow this much money at a reasonable interest rate. He will therefore have to print what he needs.

Obama will tax the middle income and lower income stratas - the tax will be called inflation. We must hold him accountable for driving up the cost of essential goods and services to those that have less ability to absorb it.

Team Obama will of course deny any responsibility, but we must educate our young people in how a free economy works.

At least we should have a shot at cleaning up the House of Representatives in 2010.

mark said...

despite "FDR's programming" Norma? This is, to say the least, a debatable assertion. I'd disagree. If you indeed prefer truth to custom, you could research this a bit further; also: the meaning of the term "socialism".

Norma said...

Socialism is when the government owns the means of production, and our gov't recent grabs for insurance and auto industries, and its plans for the health and internet, certain show we're on our way. However, it began with FDR who kept this country wallowing in a Depression which he was not responsible for, but certain dug the hole deeper. What makes you assume I haven't researched it or that your "truth" is more believable than mine?

mark said...

well...if each can have his or her own truth, the term is of little use. For arguments sake, let's say that FDR's policies prolonged the depression, historical economic data still shows that thousands of people were able to work and survive thanks to these could even say that it was a "Christian" thing to do...I know my grandfather benefitted at the time, but that is purely anecdotal. It is a curious "fear" that you have, of "socialism" or call what the current president is doing a "grab" is strange...I think he is trying to pull the country out of a morass, and certainly errors will be made...but you seem to put the worst interpretation on anything that he this wisdom, or ideology? Parenthetically--I live in new york city--and New York State has for many years paid more to the Federal gov't than it has received...the money is "redistributed" to poorer states...should I resent this? I don't think so...let us help where it is needed...and let us not always think the worst of people