Wednesday, April 15, 2009

You might be a right wing extremist if

You oppose abortion

Own a gun

Are a veteran of Iraq or Afghanistan

Are concerned about illegal immigration

Are concerned about the way Obama is handling the economy

Believe marriage is for a man and woman

[And maybe we should throw in for good measure]

You've read the Constitution of the United States

You are a Christian

You know right from wrong.

According to this document of the Obama Administration.
    “Rightwing extremist chatter on the Internet continues to focus on the economy, the perceived loss of U.S. jobs in the manufacturing and construction sectors, and home foreclosures.” Extremism and Radicalization Branch, Homeland Environment Threat Analysis Division.
That’s really strange. I thought it was our left wing media doing that.

Now if you oppose Obama's policies--any of them, economic, social, military--you are an extremist to be watched by Homeland Security. Well, at least he's finally being transparent.

UPDATE: "Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano apologized to veterans after a report issued by her department said troops returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were at risk for being recruited by right-wing extremists." Isn't that just so sweet. How about apologizing to those of us who don't want the brains sucked out of pre-born, viable babies; those of us who want a free market economy; those of us who don't want the coal industry to be destroyed with its millions of jobs; those of us who are getting 26-28 mpg in our vans and don't want to be stuffed into tiny hybrids slurping corn based fuel; those of us who don't believe that man controls the earth? She, with the approval of her boss, Barack Obama, has insulted over 50 million of us who didn't vote for him for a wide variety of reasons, and he's called us all extremists while groveling to European socialists. We want our apology too!

If you fight this, Janet and BO think YOU are dangerous!


Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
I'm 50% extremist so therefore Homeland needs only to watch me half of the time.

Deborah M. said...

So basically if you disagree with any of this administration's policies, you are an extremist. Wouldn't that be nearly 50 per cent of the population? And about half the House of Representatives and Senate?

This is indeed transparent government!

mdoneil said...

I got 'em all.

Well the veteran part is borderline I was with USPHS and I went to a very sandy conutry to teach troops something very specific about NBC weapons.

They are probably watching me now.