"Ask yourself this. What is Obama selling? He has been campaigning for months on a healthcare plan that really doesn't exist. He expects you and I to buy into what he says might be a plan that promises everything that is good for us. But we all know how much we can trust any of Obama's campaign promises. There was a bill presented to require the latest proposal/bill to be posted on the Internet for a lousy 72 hours so not only could the legislators see what it was (if they would read it) but gee... ALL the citizens that it will affect could get a peek also. The people's friend, Nancy Pelosi, quickly squashed that idea. No, No, No, we must keep this as an ugly surprise for the taxpayer and just send them the bill.
Why is it ugly you ask? Well, it's ugly because it does not include the obvious provisions like tort reform, allowing insurance companies to cross state lines, flushing the illegals out of free healthcare and allowing Medicare to negotiate the price of drugs. Those four things would cost nothing and definitely lower the total cost of healthcare in this great country. Why aren't they in the proposal? BECAUSE THE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS DON'T WANT THEM!. Just like the Prescription Drug Plan that the Republicans pushed through that is draining the Medicare funds. That dog was created by the insurance and pharmaceutical companies.
Now, I ask you, how in the world could we trust our federal government to manage a nationwide healthcare plan? They have destroyed Medicare and Social Security. These plans should have been a piece of cake to manage. But your legislator will tell you that both plans were nothing but Ponzi schemes that were doomed to fail. (This, of course, takes the responsibility of failure off their shoulders.) Well, as usual, they lie. A Ponzi scheme is one that fails because the perpetrators steal the money and when investors want to cash in and they run out of investors there isn't enough money for pay outs. Medicare and S.S. were designed NOT TO FAIL unless of course someone stole the funds or failed to manage the funds. In this case, our legislators did both. Both plans were designed to SUCCEED. Why? Because there were unlimited investors, the amount of money being invested into both funds could be controlled, and there would be many years to accumulate reserves BEFORE the masses began to draw benefits heavily. It takes a room full of idiots to allow something like that to fail.
So now we have a room full of idiots trying to sell us on their ability to run a nation wide health care plan. They want to manage doctors, hospitals, insurance companies, plus you and me via Obamacare. They don't know how much it will cost, but they don't care. You see, it's really not about health care. It's about POWER. Our freedom and way of life is now being threatened, not by terrorists, but by our own federal government. If you stand by and do or say nothing, your grand children will never forgive you. For it is you, right now, that needs to stand up and be heard. You are their only chance to come close to anything like the lifestyle that you have enjoyed while getting old. Hopefully it's not too late. Hopefully your final days will not be flat on your back waiting for your congressman to determine what treatment "the plan" will allow you to have. Ask you doctor, "Is this plan right for me?" He/she knows the answer!
72 hours isn't a lot of time, assuming the first 8 and last 8 will be at night, or it will be over a week-end, or the internet will go down because 100,000,000 voters who let them know loud and clear we don't want this are trying to contact their representative or Senator. I'd like to see each member of Congress required under threat of jail time to read each bill.
Murray sez:
OK, I'm ready to threaten them, how about you? However I'm non-violent so that leaves me only one choice. The old fashion way...the ballot box. 72 hours represents a typical stupid idea from a congressman. One that would make no difference and resolve nothing since the taxpayer can't vote. Besides, this has been such a moving target anything that passed wouldn't resemble what was posted on the Internet anyway.
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