Monday, September 21, 2009

Now it's an I-TOP

I'd seen several references to a Canadian study about the increased risk to future pregnancies for women who'd had an abortion. I finally tracked down the journal, the BJOG.

Guess what? It's an I-TOP, an induced termination of pregnancy! "Induced termination of pregnancy and low birthweight and preterm birth: a systematic review and meta-analyses," PS Shah, J Zao on behalf of Knowledge Synthesis Group of Determinants of preterm/LBW births, BJOB, Sept. 16, 2009

Main results Thirty-seven studies of low–moderate risk of bias were included. A history of one I-TOP was associated with increased unadjusted odds of LBW (OR 1.35, 95% CI 1.20–1.52) and PT (OR 1.36, 95% CI 1.24–1.50), but not SGA (OR 0.87, 95% CI 0.69–1.09). A history of more than one I-TOP was associated with LBW (OR 1.72, 95% CI 1.45–2.04) and PT (OR 1.93, 95% CI 1.28–2.71). Meta-analyses of adjusted risk estimates confirmed these findings.

Conclusions A previous I-TOP is associated with a significantly increased risk of LBW and PT but not SGA. The risk increased as the number of I-TOP increased.

And although I don't know why, breast cancer rate is higher among women who've had an I-TOP as is the risk of death. Studies done in Finland and California showed much higher post abortion death rate when compared to either women who carried to term or who were never pregnant.


LargeBill said...

"ITOP?" ITOP, really? What a strange non-judgmental, medical sounding term to describe murder. I think half the battle to get abortion accepted was the effort to use passive words to get people to be less concerned. Notice politicians are never accurately described as pro-abortion or anti-life, but are called "pro-choice." Pro-choice should be reserved for normal choices like whether you want cream in your coffee or mayo on a sandwich not whether you want to kill a little child.

Norma said...

Well said. Words mean something.

Anonymous said...

Many people feel differently than you, which is why the correct terms in medical science are used, rather than emotionally-charged, inaccurate ones such as 'partial birth abortion' and 'pro-life'.

As for the 'studies', I would look to the womans' lifestyle before blaming a safe medical procedure. Most abortions are performed on low-income women, or women who already have children. Low-income women generally have a lower quality of health, food intake and lifestyle. They also have far less access to health care, and that includes pre-natal care.

I would bet money that lack of pre-natal healthcare for poor women, poor diet, lack of support, and previous pregnancies contributed directly to their poor pregnancies afterwards.

Norma said...

Anon--you're spending too many nights at the computer, probably grieving about an abortion, based on the run of comments here. And this isn't the only blog you're visiting. God's mercy is wide and big enough to cover whatever it is you've done--your own abortion(s), someone else's or just a misplaced political drive and energy which is killing children in the womb.