Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Health care Ground Hog day

"Before a tense and packed House, the President told Congress:

"Millions of Americans are just a pink slip away from losing their health insurance, and one serious illness away from losing all their savings... And in spite of all this, our medical bills are growing at over twice the rate of inflation..."

That's President Clinton, sixteen years ago almost to the day, in a speech about a complex health-care plan built on government expansion, with billions in hidden costs. Last night, [Sept. 9] a President—who was only 32 then—is now in the White House, out to prove that nothing has changed in the minds of the Democratic leadership since the Clinton debacle. . .

Since President Clinton spoke of health inflation in 1993, health costs continued to rise faster than wages, but President Obama refuses to acknowledge years later that the U.S. health inflation rate is almost identical to rates in government-run systems. Rising costs must be attacked, yes, but if rationed health management can't stop health inflation in Britain or Ireland, will a rush to President Obama's version of HillaryCare do any better? "

The unhealthy politics of déjà vu

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