Friday, September 25, 2009

Is your state driving away business?

Ohio is. It is ranked 47th for business climate, according to a new study by the Tax Foundation. Take a look at that map! Illinois is 30th, Indiana 12th, and Michigan 17th. And here sits Ohio at the bottom of the heap looking to big gambling interests (issue 3, slots at race tracks, lottery, etc.) instead of real tax reform to pull us out of this mess, created by both parties. The market is now global, but the Department of Labor reports most mass job relocations are from one U.S. state to another rather than to an overseas location. For instance, from Mt. Morris, Illinois to Florida, and 30+ years ago to another southern state. Sure, workers can move, but that doesn't help the schools or the local businesses that support the town. All ten of the states with the worst business tax climates voted for Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election, and five of the ten states with the best business tax climates voted for John McCain according to the Tax Professor. Ohioans plan to further destroy our economy in the Appalachian states by going along with the green global goals of the current administration in Washington.

HT to Patrick Poole of Soballiance who pointed to these sources.

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