Associated Press writers Matt Apuzzo, Sharon Theimer, Tom Raum, Rita Beamish, Beth Fouhy, H. Josef Hebert, Justin D. Pritchard, Garance Burke, Dan Joling and Lewis Shaine plus Calvin Woodward all contributed to the article “fact checking” her book. Mark Steyn said that equaled about l.8333333 errors/facts per writer. Surely, if all 11 actually read it they could have found more. I find errors in books and web pages all the time. Spent some time tonight at a FEMA site and found three errors within three clicks. And the facts they disputed? Not so much. They were really flimsy--like “railed against taxpayer-financed bailouts.” Please? Most Americans on both the left and right have done that.
Has AP in 10 months of brilliant journalistic analysis even come up with 11 criticisms of Barack Obama? Like his deficit which makes George W. Bush, the biggest spender up to Jan. 20, 2009, look like a penny pinching piker? Taking over huge segments of the economy? Calling the Cambridge police stupid? Not knowing how or when to salute? Bowing to foreign leaders? Or his marxist passion to redistribute wealth? Or how about that terrorist trial he wants in New York City? Don't bother to count. It was just a rhetorical question.
Has AP ever looked so ridiculous?
The woman they love to hate. Yesterday they were interviewing children about her.
And they were being quite rude in their interview questions/tone, from the clip I heard. Disgraceful. And this is the same kind of press person that refuses (and Barry won't allow) to use that tone in any questions to the President.
I am so proud of the one 17-year old girl who handled herself beautifully, and refused to be cowed by that ...cow. There is hope, yet!
Yes, I saw that clip too. She really handled herself well. But I also heard a clip of someone interviewing a child about Obama--don't remember if it was his book or healthcare. The reporter almost drooled over him.
You righties and your eternal persecution complex. Check out Fox News, if you avoid Shepard Smith, you'll never see or hear anything to upset you.
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