Ronald Clark, a blogger who's a few years older than me, lives in Indianapolis and writes Banging the Drum. He wrote "Geezer Rant," and here's part of it.
- How did it happen that manly men started replacing a hearty handshake with an embracing hug?
How did it happen that a proud free people began letting the Government completely run their lives?
How did it happen that shapely women are now kicking manly men’s butts in pop media?
How did it happen that even sailors blush when hearing mainstream movie dialog?
How did it happen that modern women have now become the sexual aggressor?
How did it happen that grade and high school students now feel free to cuss-out and physically threaten their teachers in the classroom?
How did it happen that it is now socially acceptable to scorn Christianity?
How did it happen that Governments and people are afraid to criticize Islam?
How did it happen that the New York Times changed from the paper of record to an ideology rag?
How did it happen that people who don’t want to work have now become respectable welfare recipients?
How did it happen that it is socially acceptable and celebrated to have children outside of marriage?
Murray sez:
How did it happen that investigative reporting vanished from the MSM?
Old geezers get no respect except in the Bible.
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