Monday, November 09, 2009

You can do anything, but stay off of my Darwin!

Ray Comfort and actor Kirk Cameron plan to give away 100,000 copies of a special edition of Charles Darwin's "Origin of Species" on 100 university campuses for the 150th anniversary of the book. Their book challenges the theory of evolution with a 50-page introduction that includes an overview of Darwin's life and presents a case for a universe created by God. [OMG--how shocking, just shocking!] Although I wouldn't expect this campaign to get many followers, or converts to Christianity, the vitriol and hysteria from their detractors are off the charts. Just google "Kirk Cameron Darwin" if you want to see how far we haven't evolved in terms of allowing someone with a different viewpoint freedom of expression. You can read the introduction at
Living Waters web site.
    Someone once graciously said, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” However, it seems that some contemporary atheists don’t share such honorable convictions. When they learned about this publication they threatened lawsuits, book burnings, and even censorship in vowing to tear the Introduction out of the book. If the Special Introduction has indeed been removed from this publication, you may view it freely on to learn what some don’t want you to know.

    It was Irish playwright and skeptic George Bernard Shaw who warned, “All censorships exist to prevent anyone from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions.” Ray Comfort


Scooterlib said...

It's a mystery to me why someone would get upset over something like this. Some people are just so intolerant! I certainly can't imagine Christians getting worked up if someone planned to give away a 100,000 copies of a special edition of the "Bible" on 100 university campuses . A Bible that challenges the theory of religion with a 50-page introduction that presents a case for a universe created by Evolution

Norma said...

Now the whole world knows about your poor reading and comprehension skills. Public school recent graduate?

Scooterlib said...

"Now the whole world knows about your poor reading and comprehension skills." That seems to be a bit of a stretch. I doubt there's anywhere near 6 billion people who will actually read my comment. And while you may be suspect of my "comprehension" skills. I was still able to comprehend your lack of a factual rebuttal to what I wrote.

Since you asked, I had a not so recent Parochial School education.

DeepRiver said...

The very sad part was one of our professors from the Library School sent out an mass e-mail to students complaining about this. Evidently, Intellectual Freedom is only a commodity for the Left.

And for all those who are silly enough to believe in Evolution: 67 million-year-old fossils were just uncovered in a cave in S. America: all the plants and animals ensconced in stone are --GASP-- exactly the same as the plants and animals that are there today. So where's the evolution?