Monday, November 09, 2009

Lords of Entitlement

WSJ Review and Outlook, Nov. 9, 2009:
    "Speaker Nancy Pelosi defied policy logic and public opinion late Saturday night, ramming through the House a nearly 2,000-page health-care leviathan that counts as the biggest expansion of the federal government since the New Deal. As President Obama likes to say, this was a "teachable moment" about our current government.

    The vote was 220 to 215, with 39 House Democrats joining all but one Republican in opposition. Mrs. Pelosi had to cajole and bribe her way to the magic 218, and the list of her promises must be stacked to the ceiling. . .

    Mrs. Pelosi's craftiest political turn was a last-minute compromise to strip federal funds from insurance plans that cover abortions. The deal—negotiated by Michigan Democrat Bart Stupak and supported by the National Right to Life Committee—gave cover to 40-some Democrats to support the larger bill.

    However, as subsidized costs soar, government will have no choice but to ration medical care, starting with the aged and grievously ill. Is pre-natal life more valuable than the elderly? We're reminded of the way pro-lifers supported Anthony Kennedy over Laurence Silberman for the Supreme Court in 1987 merely because Mr. Kennedy was a Catholic who claimed to personally oppose abortion. Mr. Stupak played the right-to-lifers like a Stradavarius."
So while the rest of the world celebrates the fall of the Berlin Wall today (without our president who is just too busy to travel if the celebration isn't all about him), and debates who deserves the credit for bringing down that symbol of Communism and the dictator state, our own elected officials continue to build a wall, law by law, regulation by degree, czar by czar, to keep out freedom, economic prosperity, entreprenuership, and free speech, while opening the gates to every crack pot, old failed European theory of government control we've fought against for 100 years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"To know what the West stood for during most of those years, one merely had to go to Berlin, see the Wall, consider its purpose, and observe the contrasts between the vibrant prosperity on one side of the city and the oppressive monotony on the other." WSJ

And now Obama wants that for us.