We hadn't seen a movie since Julie and Julia during the summer at Lakeside, so last night we went to the dollar theater to see The Time Traveler's Wife. I'd gotten the basic story from someone at the coffee shop and was hoping it wasn't a chick flick. Having paid $3 for our 2 tickets and $4 for a small popcorn, we settled in for the 7:30 show. I didn't know it was about a librarian! Henry is born with a wandering gene that causes him to inexplicably move around in time, even sometime appearing as the older Henry with the younger Henry. Only his clothes remain when he "travels" so when he reappears he's naked so he's often rummaging around or breaking into stores to get clothes. He meets a young girl periodically as she is growing up (she brings him her brother's clothes so he can dress in the woods), and they finally meet in the mid-1990s in a Chicago library, fall in love, and get married. After several miscarriages they have a baby girl who also has his genetic anomaly, so she too is moving back and forth in time watching her parents. Interesting movie, and my husband liked it more than I did, since I'm not much into fantasy. Henry is played by Eric Bana who bears an uncanny resemblance to our son--same age, height, weight and coloring. I kept wondering where (which movie) I'd seen him, then I realized why he looked so familiar.

When we got home we discovered the cat had done a little time travel herself. She was a rescue cat with a few bad habits caused, we think, by her abandonment. To be kind, she "had issues" about food and had learned to survive by stalking trash cans. Ate everything in sight. Dug things out of the garbage disposal. Would be on the kitchen counter in a flash if you turned your back. But she's over 10 now and not so limber, and is a bit more relaxed and trusting about food. But last night she reverted to kittenhood and while we were gone jumped to the countertop, and dug out the chicken bones and potato skins and had them all over the floor when we got home. And when that one last kernel of popcorn hit the floor when I took off my coat, she gobbled that down too.
Your son is better looking then the guy in the movie!!!
hello may we are exchange link thanks
best regard
health articles
I haven't seen the movie yet. I read the book when it came out and really liked the premise and how it carried out. Your son is more handsome than Eric Bana. Lotsa can't help it she is just Lotsa. B.
Health articles: Thanks, but probably not. Your English is a little iffy on your web site, as is some of the scientific information, but I loved the template and will check that out.
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