This morning after exercise class I stopped at the Lane Rd. branch of the Library to pick up a book I reserved (my last request for purchase of a title on the Constitution was denied but that's another blog). While I was there I flipped through the classic CDs in hopes there might still be a Messiah in the box. With hundreds in our congregation using the same material for Advent, I didn't think I find one (probably the largest Lutheran church in Ohio and the library hadn't purchased a new title on Lutherans in the U.S. in 40 years before I asked for one). But--there it was--Robert Shaw and the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra.
So on the drive home I popped it into the disc player in my new van, and now can't learn the trick to remove it. But the first 3 or 4 minutes are great. I also learned today what happens if you push the "panic" button on the key.
What was the title you of the Constitution book? I might have a go at requesting it, I think.
I like to do tests with our library, because they have yet to buy any books I suggest (since I started keeping track, 2 books on religion and one on the bad outcome when you force diversity on people have been rejected as "not fitting in with the collection").
When I bring up the argument that selectors censor books before they hit the shelves, wow, you should see the eyes bulge and faces redden of those who can't believe I'm saying such things. I know it's not nice to tease, but when some people make it so easy...
The title was "Living constitution, dying faith; progressivism and the new science of jurisprudence by Bradley C.S. Watson, 2nd ed. 2009.
Anyone who thinks librarians don't select the books that appeal to their own tastes and values, must think that overweight toddlers are going to the grocery stores and McDonald's by themselves.
I found the button to release the disk, but had to read the manual.
It rained today. Now I need to find the button for the rear windshield wiper. But that automatic rear gate opening is pretty nice coming out of the store in the rain.
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