Wednesday, October 27, 2010


On October 17 I notified the CMS that it had misspelled ophthalmologist on the web page about glaucoma. No one replied, and it hasn't been corrected as of today (October 27, 2010). I guess they are too busy planning the next Obamacare bill.


Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Oh Norma for crying out loud! Details, Details, Details! Give em a break. The 're busy thinking up new ways to stick it to us. Besides, they know nobody reads their stuff anyway.

Noah Bawdy™ said...

CMS had not updated their HIPPS codes since 2008. They finally updated them last week. Guess what ? There were hundreds of codes that were retired in the intervening years. Also, there were errors in that posting so they had to re-issue last Friday. Your government at work.