Friday, October 01, 2010

The road to serfdom with Yuri N. Maltsev

From Marx to Obama. This speech by Yuri Maltsev was given at Kenosha College in Wisconsin, the land of Bob LaFollette who said, "I saw the future and it works," although to "work" millions would have to be shot, starved, tortured or frozen to death in Siberia. The speech is about 33 minutes and quite entertaining and well paced, although very sobering, because he's talking about Marxism--a philosophy that killed 160 million people in the 20th century. Obama has not kept his Marxist ideology a secret--he's written two books, but I guess Americans don't read, or they have become so blasé they think they are too sophisticated to be taken in.

Maltsev defected to the United States in 1989, and he says today it is not the same country it was 20 years ago. Even the church he attends isn't the same--now it is the Church of Doubt. He says that in the United States first civil society must be destroyed for Marxism to succeed. That wasn't necessary in Russia because the Czars had already destroyed it, so the people welcomed Bolshevism. Religion and family has to be destroyed for Communism to work here. He points out the book, "And not a shot is fired" as the "how-to" manual for totalitarian takeover of an elected parliamentary system.

Tyranny will not come as a black shirt. It will come with an apple pie.

1 comment:

Noah Bawdy™ said...

Thank you for sharing that video.
I'd never heard of Yuri before :-)