Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Ford Women

In today's Wall St. Journal there is a very attractive ad for women in the automotive industry. Apparently Automotive News did a feature on 100 of them. The photo includes 19 executive women at Ford (2 are not in the photo). So I took a closer, fashion look to see if there's something to be learned. I'm assuming they all had a little help with make-up and style, maybe not the two from "What not to wear" on TLC, but at least an advisor.

Of the 19 women in the Ford photo
  1. 15 are in pants, 4 are in skirts
  2. 13 are wearing black and white
  3. 5 are in shades of grey
  4. 1 is wearing a taupe jacket with black (Barb Samardzich, 51, who might be at the highest level, although I don't know the meaning of all the job titles
  5. only one woman is black, none are Asian, if any are Hispanic, they must be more Spanish than Indian because I couldn't tell
  6. only one had a really short hair cut
  7. 7 had shoulder length or longer hair styles
  8. 9 had chin length hair styles
  9. one had ear lobe length hair
  10. one had below the chin, above the shoulder length hair
  11. only two appeared to be overweight
  12. only one appeared to really thin (hard to tell)
  13. all had fabulous shoes and good make-up
Good job, ladies.

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