Tuesday, March 01, 2011

A Union Education - WSJ.com

". . . unlike in the private economy, a public union has a natural monopoly over government services. An industrial union will fight for a greater share of corporate profits, but it also knows that a business must make profits or it will move or shut down. The union chief for teachers, transit workers or firemen knows that the city is not going to close the schools, buses or firehouses.

This monopoly power, in turn, gives public unions inordinate sway over elected officials. The money they collect from member dues helps to elect politicians who are then supposed to represent the taxpayers during the next round of collective bargaining. In effect union representatives sit on both sides of the bargaining table, with no one sitting in for taxpayers. In 2006 in New Jersey, this led to the preposterous episode in which Governor Jon Corzine addressed a Trenton rally of thousands of public workers and shouted, "We will fight for a fair contract." He was promising to fight himself."

A Union Education - WSJ.com

In Ohio, you can't get a teaching job if you don't join the union. You might be a libertarian or a Republican, but you'll be paying to elect Democrats.

I've read through many articles about what is expected of teachers today and some of the rigid rules that interfer with educating children. I also talk to teachers. It makes me wonder, what really does a union do for these people except offer them expensive insurance and legal help if they are fired?

Also, politicians don't set up some of these ridiculous standards in a vacuum. It's coming from professional organizations and academicians--all probably formerly teachers. I have no idea why a teacher's performance or that of her school should be judged on how well a child with an IQ of 85 and one who is a recent immigrant learn English. They are teachers, not miracle workers! Where is the union in defending them against the state or federal standards? Anyone know how many classroom teacher jobs were saved by ARRA one time money as compared to administrators' jobs? Where is the union? Anyone know who came up with the current ridiculous math teaching fads? Where is the union?

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