Friday, December 05, 2014

White privilege?

I like to shop at Volunteers of America.  Today I got a "Baby Boom Box" radio (about 7") for 90 cents, a Charles Dickens novel on cd for 90 cents plus a 10th ed Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary for $2.93.  Checking out I heard the door alarm go off and a customer came back--there were multiple apologies between clerk and customer as her bag was checked.  The customer, a white 30-ish woman, then announced that now she realized how poor and minorities feel who are subjected to this suspicion "all the time." She was giving a "white privilege" mea culpa rant right there where you can buy a coat for $2.00.  The Asian clerk who had limited English looked a little puzzled. The woman next to me who was buying a nice cookbook for $1 just rolled her eyes.

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