Tuesday, December 16, 2003

#145 After Abortion

This is an interesting blog. Whether you are pro-choice or pro-life, the writer has compassionate things to say. For instance, she found this comment by a reader lacking and added some suggestions:

"Many of my clients have felt regret after abortion that is as deep (as far as I can tell) as any regret they've ever felt. They then confess to Christ, ask for forgiveness, and know that Jesus forgives; and they move on, as they move on from other actions that they know are grave sins. Because all this is private and can happen in a moment (praying the Sinner's Prayer, for example, or responding to an altar call), I think it can look, to people raised outside this particular strain of Protestantism, less weighty and less of a relief of a terrible burden than it really is. These women speak very precisely about how they've dealt with their grief and moved on; but the way they deal with grief and regret over abortion is the way they would deal with grief and regret over any terrible sin. They give it to God and move on."

Interesting summary and history of Democrats for Life. Sadly, there used to be many--like the early versions of Clinton, Gore, Simon and Kucinich, who switched only recently.

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