I could have taken geology!
This week at Lakeside I attended an interesting series on the Great Lakes. Two were taught by Prof. Charles Herdendorf of OSU, "Geologic History of the Great Lakes," and "Shipwrecks of Lake Erie,"--fascinating stuff, both. A third one was a viewing of a new film by WGTE (Toledo) on the human experience along Lake Erie. I think that one is available from them. But it was the geology lecture that was the most interesting--probably because I never had any in college, so I was starting from zero. I enjoyed it so much, it made me wish I'd taken that instead of chemistry for my science requirement. Funny, too, because I'm a 6 day creationist, but I don't mind a bit learning about all those millions of years of erosion of rocks and seaweed becoming petroleum, or the 4 glaciers that covered Ohio, or the many changes in the size of Lake Erie, or that there used to be many more lakes in the Great Lakes area--a huge one in Canada. One recent event he mentioned did really amaze me. He said the Atlantic Ocean is getting larger and the Pacific smaller. Has nothing to do with melting glaciers, either. It is the shifting plates under the oceans. In just my life time the Atlantic has expanded 6 ft. Don't build near the shorelines, folks.
If you ever have a chance to hear Prof. Herdendorf, grab it.
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