Wednesday, November 10, 2010

No, No Newt

Just watched him being interviewed on Fox--about his rather messy, unfaithful-to-wives personal life, and being a hypocrite about it besides. Let him stay on the side lines as a king/queen maker, but don't, please don't, put us through another Clintonesque presidency.


Sherry said...

Amen. I would much prefer that Gingrich stay out of the political limelight. And I further think that as much as I like Sarah Palin that she would be more powerful and more effective in a supporting role, too. She doesn't have the same baggage as GIngrich, but she will never be a uniting, popular-with-moderates figure.

We need someone fresh and conservative at the same time.

Darrell Michaels said...

I am definitely in agreement. Newt is brilliant and has many fantastic ideas that would serve this country well if implemented; however, we need a person of sterling character as our next president. Newt is not that man.