Friday, September 28, 2012

Take back our language

The term “politically correct” has become very trite and is applied to everything from learning disabilities (“differently abled” for emotionally disturbed, disruptive students) or career choices (“sanitation engineer” for garbage truck driver).

Calmly speak the truth, and if you are called a racist, a homophobe or an Islamophobe when telling the truth, stop the assault, because that is what it is. You are being silenced, not with a loaded gun but with loaded words.

  • Being concerned about what Islamic leaders declare publicly about the destruction of Israel, is not Islam-hating or bigotry—it is citing their own sources and leaders—believe them;
  • saying Obama is a food stamp president is not racist—it is the policy of his own administration to actively recruit low income people to government programs—bonuses and stimulus money are used for this and it manipulates their loyalties;
  • supporting the Biblical definition of marriage is not gay bashing, it is God’s plan for the continuance of the human race with whom he wants to be in relationship, the very people for whom Jesus died.

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